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Undeserved Blessing of God

신명기 8:11-8:20 본문보기


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Undeserved Blessing of God
God will give His people undeserved blessings. Israel needs to remember who gives blessings and to not surrender to the temptations that come from riches.

Who is God like?
Vv. 11-16 God gave Israel undeserved blessings. He led them from the desert to the beautiful and good land, made them full and prosperous, and protected them. God was present among the people in the desert and in the Promised Land, and provided everything they needed. Today the Lord comes to us to give abundant life. The everlasting food of the unchangeable Word of the Lord, rather than other necessities in this world, is what makes us rich.

What lesson is God teaching me?
V. 11 The core command of Deuteronomy is ‘to remember.’ The most urgent assignment for the people who received the undeserved blessing is ‘not to forget.’ Be careful not to forget the grace received in the past while dwelling in the rich present. Do not yield the command, decree, and law of God to the principle of the rich.
Vv. 17-20 As Israel received the undeserved blessing and had prosperity, they were tempted by pride and idol worship. They thought this happiness was made by their own efforts. It is a wicked sin to take credit for the glory given by God. As soon as we forget the grace of God, we may also fall into this pride. Therefore, we have to meditate on the Word everyday and remember His grace. When we respond to the Word faithfully, God will confirm the words of promise with more abundant blessings


Let me rejoice and live with Your Word and not with bread.

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