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Stiff-necked People

신명기 9:1-9:12 본문보기


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Stiff-necked People
God chose Israel and let them enter the Promised Land. He emphasizes that it is not because they are righteous, and exposes their wickedness.

Who is God like?
Vv. 1-5 God went ahead of Israel and fought for the people to draw out bigger and stronger nations and to take their lands. This was not because the people of Israel were righteous, but because Canaan was wicked and because God had made a promise to their forefathers.
We are not saved because of our righteous behavior (Tit 3:5). We became righteous by God’s love and faithfulness. As we were saved by God’s grace, what pride do we have (Eph 2:9)? We have nothing but Christ, who suffered and died on the cross to make us righteous (Gal 6:14).

What lesson is God teaching me?
Vv. 6-12 In God’s sight, Israel was an unrighteous, stiff-necked people. They were proud, stubborn, rebellious, provocative, corrupt, idol-worshiping, sin-lovers. Their persistent betrayal was ongoing since the Exodus out of Egypt. How contrasting to God who led them with royalty and faithfulness during their desert life? Their unbearable shamelessness was exposed. They made the golden calf and worshiped it as God delivered them out of Egypt and gave the Word to make an everlasting covenant with them (see Ex 32-34). Let us examine our attitude or motive. Do we have a stiff neck that does not love to obey the Word or a tender neck that gently obeys?


Please let me put the Word of God in my heart, have daily personal fellowship, and seek the characteristics of the Lord more.

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