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Prayer of Moses, the Mediator

신명기 9:13-9:29 본문보기


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Prayer of Moses, the Mediator
In the betrayal story of the stiff-necked people of Israel, the prayer of Moses, the mediator, stands out with beautiful tears. What is the content of his earnest prayer to God for the disobedient people?

Who is God like?
Vv. 19-21 God listened to the prayer of Moses, the mediator, and did not destroy Israel. In spite of God’s faithful grace, the unfaithful people of Israel made a golden calf and worshiped it as their God who led them out of Egypt (Ex 32-34). God was greatly angered and made the decision to destroy the people according to His Word (8:19, 20). But the gracious Father who curses to the third and forth generation yet blesses to a thousandth generation (5:9, 10) listened to the prayer of Moses and endured for His people to take the land He promised (10:10, 11). God listens and gives grace to the prayers made in tears for people’s salvation.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Vv. 18, 20, 25-29 Moses, the mediator, trembled because of the punishment the stiff-necked people of Israel were about to receive from God and prayed for them in tears. Unlike his stiff-necked people, Moses was humbled before God and prayed with no food for 40 days and 40 nights. He made the prayer of repentance with complete humility, total sacrifice, and patience. He also prayed relying on God’s promise, power, and grace of salvation. He realized there was no righteousness in him and mediated for himself as well as sinful Israel. He relied on God alone and advanced before the throne of grace. What lesson can you learn from the prayer of Moses? Have you ever prayed earnestly like this?


Please may I be the person to ask for Your grace for my disobedient family and neighbors.

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