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Revelation, Prophecy, and Letter

요한계시록 1:1-1:8 본문보기


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Revelation, Prophecy, and Letter
John says this book is the revelation of Jesus Christ, a prophecy that those who read and hear should keep, and a letter sent by the Holy Trinity.

Who is God like?
Vv. 4a, 8 God the Father is the source of our existence. He alone is the Master of all history in this present time of evil. He is the Mighty One who decides the fate of all nations and people. As long as He exists, our lives in this world or the visible power and system are not everything.
V. 4b The Holy Spirit testifies the victory of the Creator God and the Little Lamb before the throne of God. He will make the church the witness (14:11-14) and let the heavenly kingdom that is fulfilled through the redemption of Christ be rooted in His people.
V. 5a As the faithful witness who testified of the gospel of salvation to His death and was admitted by God, Jesus showed the way of the witness that the church should take. As the first fruit of the resurrection that the second death could not overpower, He also gave living hope to the persecuted church. As the king of kings on the earth, the ascended Jesus will rule the heavenly kingdom until the kings of the earth bring their splendor (21:24). This was the reason the church had to devote itself with unchanging loyalty not to the Roman Empire but to Jesus alone.

What lesson is God teaching me?
V. 6 We who believe in Jesus are the kingdom and the priests. We are the representatives to fulfill the rule of Jesus and the priests who take the kingdom of God and love of Christ into action before the world to lead them to Christ. We can maintain this noble status when we live without compromise in various hardships and temptations.


Please give me power to live as the kingdom and the priest.

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