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Revelation of Jesus Christ

요한계시록 1:9-1:20 본문보기


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Revelation of Jesus Christ
John, who was on the island of Patmos because of his testimony of Christ, saw the revelation of Christ who died once, was later resurrected, and now holds the keys to death and Hades.

Who is Jesus like?
Vv. 12-16 Jesus is the Chief Priest who redeems all the nations (a robe reaching down to His feet, a golden sash; Ex. 28:4), and ‘One like a Son of Man’ (Dan 7:13) who receives the throne of the kingdom of God. He will also judge the whole universe (‘eyes like blazing fire’, ‘mouth like a sharp double-edged sword’). He is the same God who has glory and power. The fact that this Jesus is walking among the ‘lampstands’ (churches) and holding seven stars (messengers of the church) in His right hand will be a great comfort to the enduring church in the time of tribulation. Even though the visible church seems to have lost some of its glory from the hardships in and out of the church, let us be sure of the protection of the Lord and the final victory, and keep the purity and glory of the church.
Vv. 18-20 Jesus is the First and the Last. He overcame death, lives forever, and holds the keys to death and Hades. Hardship, therefore, will not destroy the church, and the power of Hades will not defeat the church. Nothing can cut believers off from the love of Christ. Is our Lord holding our church in His right hand?

What lesson is God teaching me?
Vv. 9, 10 Even though John was an apostle, he called believers his ‘brothers.’ It was not a hackneyed address. John also was a brother and companion in the suffering and the kingdom, and he patiently endured and understood the suffering of the believers because of the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus. In this generation, it was not a person’s role to attend the kingdom of God. Do I live as a brother who carries out his calling with the community and endures the suffering together in this absolutely selfish world?


I will serve You without fear because Jesus is my king and He holds our community.

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