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I Will Fight with the Sharp Sword

요한계시록 2:12-2:17 본문보기


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I Will Fight with the Sharp Sword
The church of Pergarmum was faced with the threat of death because of empire worship, yet kept well its faith toward the Lord. But the church was warned to repent because it was tempted by the teaching of Balaam and the Nicolaitans.

Who is Jesus like?
Vv. 12, 16 Jesus has the power of final judgment, beyond the power of the sword of the Roman court, and can lead the church of Pergarmum. Therefore, the object of the church’s fear should not be the Roman governor who insists on empire worship, but Jesus who can even judge them (1:16). If we are loyal enough to die for Christ, the Lord fights for us against our enemies (Dt 22:23, 31). But if we forsake the Lord to live, then He will fight against us.
V. 17 If anyone does not enter the temple in which idol sacrifice is burning, Jesus will give him or her a white stone, a ticket to enter a new relationship with God, and some of the hidden manna instead of the idol sacrifice. There is a strong temptation to forsake the Lord for fame, success, and feasting. Is it your earnest hope for you and your children to receive a new name and to enter to the kingdom of God, and also to have the feast of the Little Lamb?

What lesson is God teaching me?
V. 13 In Pergarmum, suffering and death were real threats. Satan tempted the believers with great power. Like the faithful witness Jesus (1:5), Antipas already refused idol worship and testified that Christ alone is ‘the Lord.’ He was therefore put to death. It is true the believers in Pergarmum did not forsake their faith in the Lord. Pray for missionaries and Christians who are working while in face of death.


Even as Satan tries hard in various ways to make me fall, please keep me so that I do not compromise or surrender.

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