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True Authority to the Son of God

요한계시록 2:18-2:29 본문보기


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True Authority to the Son of God
The church in Thyatira lost the opportunity to repent and indulged in idol worship. They are warned that the Son of God who knows their thoughts and hearts will pay them back according to their behavior.

Who is Jesus like?
Vv. 22, 23 God will make the bed of Jezebel, defiled by adultery, a bed of suffering by diseases. He will cast people who refuse the opportunities to repent into intense suffering. And He will strike dead the children of those who united with Jezebel instead of being the holy bride of the Lord. He will also pay back those who shame the patient hand of the Lord. There is no sin to replace with excuses and without repentance.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Vv. 19, 24-28 Some in the church in Thyatira did not surrender to Jezebel and experienced financial damage. As the power of money is to strangle them, it could not block their life of love, faith, service, and perseverance. Even though the persecution was getting worse, they were doing more than they did at first. Do not use the excuse that ‘It is hard to live!’ or ‘I have no choice’ as a reason to put aside faith. The Lord gave the people of Israel as much suffering as they could bear and urged them to hold on firmly until the Lord comes. He promised us to reign on the earth (5:10), and the glory to have ‘the morning star,’ Jesus Christ. We are God’s children who received the promise that cannot be bought with money.
Vv. 20, 21 As they would be poor without subordination to Jezebel, some believers surrendered to idol worship. Without the resolution to be poor or to give up your wealth against the huge pressure of mammon (money), do you have another way to live as the spiritually rich to truly love God and your neighbor?


Please do not let money be the most important factor in my decision-making.

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