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To the Church in Laodicea

요한계시록 3:14-3:22 본문보기


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To the Church in Laodicea
The church in Laodicea was rich, without any need, and unaware that it was actually poor, miserable, and naked. The church was therefore urged to be earnest and repent.

Who is Jesus like?
V. 14 Jesus made us and judges with ‘truth.’ Jesus did not evaluate the church in Laodicea according to its outer appearance, which was rich and gorgeous. But He knew the church’s actual, inner status and pointed out its wrong view of itself. Do not measure the church and the believer against worldly standards. How does the Lord of truth and the Creator evaluate you?
Vv. 15, 16 God is tired of lukewarm (neither cold nor hot) faith. The church of Laodicea did not have any persecution but had overflowing wealth. It considered superficial safety and peace as God’s recognition and blessing and stayed in its comfort zone. Its passion disappeared, its zeal left, and its sharp insight was lost. The church compromised easily, confessed with its lips, had mechanical service, but did not have the fruit of life. Even so, it had no regrets.
Vv. 18, 19 The Lord says to buy from Him refined gold (refined character through suffering) instead of earthly gold to be rich; white clothes (life undefiled by sin) to cover shameful nakedness and restore the identity as God’s children; and salve (to see the generation with spiritual insight). He will consider zeal with this detailed practice as true repentance. Even now mammon, using the power of culture, makes us blind with spiritual poverty and deceives us to make compromises. When the Lord makes you alert through rebuke and punishment (training), work hard and turn back to Him.
Vv. 20-22 The Lord invites us to leave the life of reliance on our own possessions and finding protection in the shield of the world. Instead, we should accept the Lord, rely on Him, and have fellowship with Him alone. To those who leave idol worship, which guarantees wealth and power in this world, to accept the Lord, God promises the glory of the throne of Jesus. Do you open your door widely to Him?


Let me get out of my lukewarm faith.

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