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The Lord Jesus Christ to be Redeemed

요한계시록 5:1-5:14 본문보기


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The Lord Jesus Christ to be Redeemed
Chapter 5 shows how the plan of the Creator God in chapter 4 will be fulfilled in the new creation; it concludes with the praise of angels for Jesus.

Who is God like?
Vv. 1, 2, 5-7 God’s providence of redemption through judgment and salvation will be fulfilled by Jesus who came as a descendant of David. The victory of David’s root was won through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross and the redemption was applied to all the nations through the Holy Spirit (seven spirits of God). This world tried to win the victory through an endless cruel conquest, but only Jesus is the Savior who will approach the Ancient of Days (God) and receive ‘an everlasting dominion that will not pass away and His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed’ (v. 7; Dan 7:13-14).
Vv. 9, 10 With His blood, Jesus purchased people from every tribe, language, people, and nation. He gave them to God and made them a nation and priest to involve in His kingship (1:5-6; Ex 19:6). This is why only He is worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals; to receive praise with a new song.

What lesson is God teaching me?
V. 4 The work of redemption had stagnated, the church had been severely persecuted, and John had been exiled to the island of Patmos. He felt there was no hope to continue the kingdom of God and cried out in pain. If Christ will not come again and open the book of judgment, we also have nothing else but to cry desperately. The Lord of judgment will come, so we can align ourselves against evil and say ‘Yes’ for what is right and ‘No’ for what is wrong.


I confess that Jesus who died for me to save me is worthy of true worship and obedience.

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