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I Must Die, But the Lord Must Live

요한복음 3:22-3:36 본문보기


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I Must Die, But the Lord Must Live
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In the conversation between John the Baptist and his disciples, last witness of John the Baptist can be seen regarding the superiority of Jesus.
오늘 본문에 나오는 세례 요한과 제자들의 대화에선 예수님의 우월성에 대한 요한의 마지막 증언이 나옵니다.

Thinking & Understanding
As many people approached Jesus to be baptized, the disciples of John the Baptist became concerned and considered Jesus and His disciples to be their rivals. In response to their concern, John the Baptist said that he must decrease and be forgotten as a best man of Jesus, while Jesus must increase as He is greater than all men and would become well known to many (vv. 22-30). John also said it was because Jesus was the Son of God, the Christ, that Jesus was the One who gives eternal life to those who believe in Him (vv. 31-36).
예수님이 베푸는 세례에 많은 사람들이 몰려들자 세례 요한의 제자들은 예수님과 예수님의 제자들을 경쟁상대로 여겨 경계하기 시작했습니다. 그러자 세례 요한은 자신은 예수님의 들러리로서 곧 잊힐 것이며 예수님은 더 많이 위대해져 많은 사람들에게 알려질 것이라고 말했습니다(22-30절). 그리고 그것은 예수님이 하나님의 아들, 그리스도이시며 모든 믿는 자에게 영생을 주시는 분이기 때문이라고 말했습니다(31-36절).

What lesson is God teaching me?
The disciples of John the Baptist were very competitive with Jesus and His disciples. With whom am I envious, jealous or competitive? People live for that which pleases them. If they love money, they live for money. If they desire honor, then they live to seek honor. Think of what my pleasures are! John the Baptist lived to please Jesus and lift Him up.
세례 요한의 제자들은 예수님과 예수님의 제자들에게 경쟁심을 품었습니다. 나에게도 시기하고 질투하며 경쟁하는 사람이 있습니까?
사람들은 자신이 기뻐하는 일을 위해 삽니다. 돈을 기뻐하면 돈을 위해, 명예를 기뻐하면 명예를 위해 삽니다. 나의 기쁨은 무엇입니까? 세례 요한은 오직 예수님을 기뻐하며 예수님을 높이기 위해 살았습니다.


Please, let it be my desire to live my life to please Jesus and lift Him up.

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