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Truth and Tradition

요한복음 5:1-5:18 본문보기


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Truth and Tradition
진리와 정통
In chapters 2-4, Jesus presents an apocalyptic prophesy of the new temple, which is a judgment against the Jewish temple and the ways in which the Jews were worshipping God. Beginning in chapter 5, Jesus is revealed as the true feast and the fulfillment of the Jewish feasts (Sabbath, Passover, Tabernacle etc.).
2-4장에서 예수님이 유대교의 성전과 예배를 대치하는 종말론적인 새 성전과 예배를 제시하는 분으로 등장한다면, 이제 5장부터는 유대인의 중요한 절기(안식일, 유월절, 초막절 등)를 대치하는 실체로 드러나십니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Jesus healed a man, who had been an invalid for 38 years, near the pool called Bethesda; saying, “Get up! Pick up your map and walk” (vv. 1-9). But because Jesus healed the man on the Sabbath, the Jews started to persecute Jesus. Jesus said, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too, am working.” By saying this, Jesus tried to give the true meaning of Sabbath, but the Jews considered this blasphemous because Jesus said that God was His Father. For this reason, the Jews sought to kill Him because He was breaking the Sabbath and was identifying Himself as the Son of God, which implied that He was equal to God (vv. 10-18).
예수님은 베데스다 연못의 38년 된 병자를 “침상을 들고 걸으라”라는 말씀으로 치료해 주셨습니다(1-9절). 하지만 예수님께서 그 사람을 고치신 날이 안식일이었다는 것 때문에 유대인들은 예수님을 핍박하기 시작했습니다. 예수님은 “내 아버지께서 일하시는 나도 일한다”며 안식일의 바른 의미를 가르쳐주시고자 했지만, 유대인들은 오히려 하나님을 자신의 아버지라고 하시는 예수님을 신성모독 죄로 여기고 죽이려고까지 하였습니다(10-18절).

What lesson is God teaching me?
Because people do not listen to Jesus or His Words, but rely upon their own understandings, they misinterpret God and continue to practice traditions in a way that misunderstands the purposes of God. When Jesus corrected the Jews in their understanding to “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy” (Ex 20:8), the Jews refused to hear God’s word concerning the original purpose for this tradition. What faith tradition do I misinterpret in my life?
하나님의 진리의 말씀도 바르게 해석하지 않고 자기 나름대로 잘못 해석하는 사람들 때문에 잘못된 전통으로 변할 수 있습니다. 예수님은 유대인에게 “안식일을 기억하여 거룩히 지키라”(출 20:8)는 말씀의 본뜻을 설명하셨지만, 유대인들은 예수님의 가르침을 거부하고 잘못된 전통을 이어갔습니다. 내 삶 속에는 잘못된 신앙의 전통을 따르고 있지는 것이 있다면, 어떤 것일까요?


Please do not let me follow the wrong tradition or custom that misunderstands the purposes of God, but let me follow the traditions and customs that honor You.

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