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Salvation Comes Only Through the Lord

시편 3:1-3:8 본문보기


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Salvation Comes Only Through the Lord
구원은 오직 여호와께
The psalmist was betrayed by a person that he trusted. He was mocked and people said that even God has left him so he ran away. But he was sure that God knew his situation and that God would deliver him.
시인은 믿었던 사람에게 배신을 당하고, 하나님마저 자신을 버렸다는 조롱을 뒤로 한 채 도망하면서도, 하나님이 자신의 처지를 알고 회복해 주실 것을 확신하고 있습니다.

Thinking & Understanding
David wrote this psalm as he fled from his son Absalom, who started a rebellion. David had so many enemies, including his own son, and they mocked him by saying that God had left him and that his time of reign is over. The situation that David was in was draining both mentally and physically, and was the worst possible situation a person can fall in (vv. 1-2). But even in that hard time, David did not despair and he lifted his eyes up to God (vv. 3-4) and confessed that salvation comes only through God (vv. 5-8).
이 시편은 다윗이 아들 압살롬의 반역으로 도망갈 때 지은 시입니다. 다윗은 친아들조차 등을 돌릴 만큼 원수들이 많았고, 그들은 다윗이 하나님께 버림받아서 다윗의 시대는 이제 끝났다며 조롱했습니다. 다윗이 처한 상황은 정신적으로나 육체적으로나 너무나 힘든, 한마디로 최악의 상황이었습니다(1-2절).
그러나 다윗은 그런 상황 속에서도 절망하지 않고 눈을 들어 하나님을 바라보며(3-4절), 구원이 오직 하나님께 있음을 고백하고 있습니다(5-8절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
Even when his own son betrayed him and many of his enemies were out to kill him, David did not get frustrated and continued praying. David knew that his prayers would be answered and slept soundly. Even though his enemies surrounded him, he knew that God will become his shield and protect him; and he knew that even if the world powers fell, God would lift him up. Are you finding peace in God who knows your situation even before you tell him?
자신의 친아들이 배신하고 수많은 원수들이 자신을 죽이려는 상황 속에서도 다윗이 좌절하지 않고 기도했습니다. 그리고 그 기도가 이뤄질 줄 믿고 편안히 잤습니다. 대적이 둘러치고 있어도 하나님이 방패가 되셔서 보호해 주시고, 눈에 보이는 권력은 무너져도 하나님이 자신을 붙들어 주신다고 믿었기 때문입니다. 내가 구하기도 전에 내 형편을 더 잘 아시는 하나님 안에서 평안하십니까?


Help me to not get flustered by the reality before my eyes and help me to overcome any situation I am in through faith.

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