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I am the good shepherd

요한복음 10:10-10:18 본문보기


I am the good shepherd
나는 선한 목자라

Jesus is a good shepherd who lays down His life for his flock, whereas corrupt religious leaders are hired hand-shepherds who lay down the life of the flock for their lives.
예수님은 양들을 위해 목숨까지 내어놓으신 선한 목자이시지만 타락한 종교 지도자들은 자기 목숨을 위해 양들을 버리는 삯꾼 목자입니다.

Thinking & Understanding
The “good shepherd” described in prophecies from the Old Testament reveals the Messiah, the Son of God (Eze 34:11-16). Jesus described Himself as the “good shepherd” and revealed that He is the Messiah which the Old Testament had prophesized. Unlike the corrupt religious leaders who were concerned with maintaining their profit and power, Jesus, the good shepherd, laid down His life to save the people (flock) (vv. 10-18).
구약의 예언서에서 ‘선한 목자’는 하나님의 아들이신 메시아를 가리키는 표현입니다(겔 34:11-16). 예수님은 자신을 ‘선한 목자’라고 표현하심으로 자신이 구약에서 예언된 바로 그 메시아라는 사실을 드러내셨습니다. 선한 목자이신 예수님은 자기의 이익과 권세를 유지하기에 급급한 삯꾼 같은 종교 지도자들과는 달리 사람(양)들을 구원하기 위해 목숨까지 버리셨습니다(10-18절).

What lesson is God teaching me?
The good shepherd calls sheep, those who have not know him, to come and enter His flock. This means that there are lots of people whom Jesus wants to save; and He will establish all that come to Him as God's people into the same sheepfold. There are still many people around me, who have not entered the sheepfold. Jesus does not want them to wander in darkness, so He needs us to be likeminded and call them to enter into the safety of His sheepfold.
선한 목자는 아직 자신을 모르는 않은 양들을 불러 마침내 자신의 우리 안에 들어오게 하십니다. 이는 사람들 중에 예수님께서 구원하시고자 하는 이들이 많다는 뜻으로, 예수님은 그들을 하나님의 백성으로 불러 한 우리에 들어오게 하실 것입니다. 아직 내 주변에 이 ‘우리’에 들어오지 못한 사람들이 많습니다. 목자 없이 여전히 어둠 가운데 헤매는 자들을 불쌍히 여기셔서 부르시는 주님의 마음을 품고, 오늘 그들을 안전한 ‘우리’ 안으로 들어오라고 초청하십시오.

Tip 1
10:16 The other sheep that are not of this fold (cf. v. 1) are Gentiles (cf. Isa 56:8). The phrase one flock, one shepherd alludes to Ezekiel 34:23; 37:24; but here Jesus applies it more broadly, as Jews and Gentiles will be united in one messianic community (cf. Mt 28:18–20; Eph 2:11–22).

Tip 2
10:17 I lay down my life that I may take it up again implies that Jesus voluntarily yielded up his life when he knew that his suffering was completed“It is finished” (Jn 19:30). It also implies that the divine nature of Christ was active in his resurrection: he was able to “take up” his life again.


Jesus my good shepherd, please be my refuge today when I face difficulties.

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