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Why then do you accuse me?

요한복음 10:30-10:38 본문보기


Why then do you accuse me?
너희가 어찌 참람하다 하느냐?

When the Jews accuse Jesus of blasphemy, because He says “I and the Father are one.” (v. 30). But Jesus uses the Word to prove His divinity.
예수님께서 “나와 아버지는 하나다”라고 말씀하시자, 유대인들이 곧바로 신성모독이라고 비난합니다. 그러나 예수님은 말씀을 인용하여 자신의 신성을 입증하십니다.

Thinking & Understanding
When Jesus revealed that He and God are equal, the Jews tried to throw stones at Him. The Jews, who have constantly accused Jesus of blasphemy, so that they could kill Him (5:18, 8:59 etc), have finally acquired a decisive statement and have gained confidence. However, Jesus, quoting from the Old Testament, confirmed that He was the Son of God, and said to the Jews that they did not need to believe in Him, unless His works were from God (vv. 30-38).
예수님께서 자신을 하나님과 동등한 분이라고 밝히자, 유대인들은 돌을 들어 예수님을 치려 했습니다. 그동안 꾸준히 ‘신성모독죄’를 적용하며 예수님을 죽이려 한 그들이(5:18; 8:59 등) 이제 결정적인 진술을 확보했기에 자신감을 가진 것입니다. 그런 그들에게 예수님은 구약성경을 인용하여 자신이 하나님의 아들이심을 확증하십니다. 그리고 더해서, 자신이 하는 일이 하나님의 일이 아니라면 자신을 믿지 않아도 좋다고 말씀하십니다(30-38절).

What lesson is God teaching me?
The Jews uttered blasphemies against God by not recognizing Jesus as God. In a similar way, we utter blasphemy against God by replacing Him with worldly concerns like money, success, and the pleasures of our hearts. By admitting that God is better than anything else in the world, let God be the best and highest concern of our hearts.
유대인들은 예수님을 몰라보는 ‘신성모독죄’를 범했지만 오늘날 우리는 하나님 대신 돈, 성공, 쾌락과 같은 세상 것에 더 몰두함으로 신성모독죄를 범할 수 있습니다. 하나님만이 우리 인생 최고의 가치가 되심을 인정함으로 세상 어떤 것보다 하나님을 마음속 최고의 자리에 모시십시오.

Tip 1
10:35 Scripture cannot be broken. Jesus is depending on just one word (“gods”) in the OT for his argument. When he says that Scripture “cannot be broken,” he implies that every single word in Scripture is completely true and reliable. His opponents do not differ with this high view of Scripture.

Tip 2
10:36 The reference to Jesus having been consecrated for his mission echoes OT language regarding those appointed to an office, such as Jeremiah (Jer 1:5) or the Aaronic priests (Ex 28:41; 40:13; Lev 8:30). 10:37–38 For Jesus’ works as witnesses to his deity, see ESV SB note on 5:31–47.


Jesus, please help me to surrender all of my worldly concerns so that I am solely focused on You.

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