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영어 QT

For God’s glory

요한복음 11:3-11:11 본문보기


For God’s glory
하나님의 영광을 위하여

Martha and Mary acted only by thinking about the situation they were facing (the illness of their brother), the disciples acted only by thinking about their safety, but Jesus acted by thinking only of God’s will and glory.
마르다와 마리아는 자신들이 처한 문제(오빠의 병)만을, 제자들은 자신들의 안전만을 생각하며 행동했습니다. 그러나 예수님은 하나님의 뜻과 영광을 생각하며 행동하셨습니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Jesus received a message that His close friend, Lazarus, was critically ill and was asked to come. Jesus said that Lazarus’s sickness would not end in death, but in God’s glory, and He stayed where He was for two additional days (vv. 3-6). When Jesus was about to leave for Judea to see Lazarus, the disciples were afraid that it would be dangerous. But Jesus encouraged them by telling them that there is nothing to fear if they follow in the light (God’s direction) (vv. 7-10).
예수님은 가깝게 지내던 나사로가 매우 위독한 병에 걸렸으니 급히 와달라는 전갈을 받으셨습니다. 그러나 예수님은 나사로의 병이 죽을병이 아닌 하나님의 영광을 드러낼 병이라고 하시며 계시던 곳에 이틀이나 더 머무르셨습니다(3-6절). 그 후에 예수님께서 나사로가 있는 유대 지방으로 가려고 하시자, 제자들은 그곳이 위험하다는 생각에 두려워했습니다. 하지만 예수님은 빛(하나님의 인도하심) 가운데서 행하면 두려울 것이 없다며 제자들을 격려하셨습니다(7-10절).

What lesson is God teaching me?
Difficult things can happen even to those whom Jesus loves. Lazarus, Mary and Martha were a family whom Jesus loved, yet sadness struck the household. Sudden difficulties can arise in our lives as well. When these occur, do not doubt the Lord’s love, but look forward to the new things the Lord will reveal to us.
예수님이 사랑하는 사람에게도 어려운 일이 일어날 수 있습니다. 나사로, 마리아, 마르다는 예수님께서 사랑하시는 가족이었지만, 이 가정에도 깊은 슬픔이 들이닥쳤습니다. 우리 삶에도 갑작스런 어려움이 생길 수 있습니다. 그럴 때 주님의 사랑을 의심하지 말고 그 일을 통해 주님께서 어떤 새로운 일을 전개해 나가실지 기대하십시오.

Tip 1
11:4 Jesus could say that Lazarus’s illness does not lead to death in the sense that it did not lead ultimately to death, but it did lead through death to being raised from the dead a few days later. Jesus knew what would happen, and he tells his disciples clearly that Lazarus has already died.

Tip 2
11:11 Fallen asleep means “died,” as the following conversation (vv. 12–14) makes clear. The OT equivalent is “slept with his fathers” (see, e.g., 1Ki 2:10 and throughout 1–2Ki and 1–2Ch). Occasionally, death is compared to a deep sleep from which people will one day be awakened (Da 12:2).


Please, let us look forward to and be patient with Your works, even when we face unexplainable suffering.

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