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Jesus, the resurrection and the life

요한복음 11:17-11:27 본문보기


Jesus, the resurrection and the life
부활이요 생명이신 예수님

Through the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead, Jesus reveals that He is the ‘resurrection and the life’ and asks His disciples if they believe in Him.
예수님은 죽은 나사로를 살리시는 표적을 통해 자신이 ‘부활이요 생명이심’을 드러내시고, 제자들에게 믿느냐고 물어보십니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Jesus came to Bethany four days after the death of Lazarus. Martha expressed her sadness and sorrow by saying Lazarus would still be alive if Jesus had come before he died (vv. 17-21). Jesus said to Martha that “Lazarus will rise again,” but Martha thought Jesus was saying this just to comfort her by reminding her of the resurrection of all of the dead in the future. Martha did not imagine that she would see Lazarus return to life in front of her eyes. But Jesus says that He is the resurrection and life, so that if a person who believes in Him will be alive spiritually and will not die forever (vv. 22-27).
예수님은 나사로가 죽은 지 나흘이 지나서 베다니에 오셨습니다. 마르다는 예수님께 나사로가 죽기 전에 오셨다면 그가 살았을 것이라며 안타까움과 아쉬움을 표현했습니다(17-21절). 이런 마르다에게 예수님은 “나사로가 다시 살아나겠다”라고 말씀하셨지만, 마르다는 예수님이 미래에 있을 모든 이들의 부활을 상기시켜 자신을 위로하시는 것이라고 생각했습니다. 마르다는 바로 눈앞에서 죽은 나사로가 다시 살아나리라고는 상상도 하지 못했습니다. 하지만 예수님은 자신이 부활이며 생명이기에 자신을 믿는 자는 영적으로 살아서 영원히 죽지 않을 거라고 말씀하십니다(22-27절).

What lesson is God teaching me?
Jesus came four days after Lazarus had died. From a human perspective, this appeared hopeless. But light appears, in the darkest moments, when everything seems hopeless; nothing is beyond the work of the Lord. Therefore, do not lose hope when you face difficulties, but believe that the Lord will act; and so, in your faith, be full of joy.
나사로가 죽어 나흘이 지난 후에야 예수님께서 오셨습니다. 사람의 관점에선 모든 소망이 사라진 후였습니다. 그러나 어둠이 깊을 때라야 빛이 드러나며, 가장 절망적인 순간이야말로 주님이 일하실 때입니다. 어려움을 경험할 때 절망하지 마십시오. 그때가 바로 주님께서 일하시는 순간임을 믿음으로 기뻐하십시오.

Tip 1
11:17 four days. Though burial usually followed soon after death (Ac 5:6, 10), some later Jewish sources indicate a belief that the soul hovered over the body for three days, hoping to reenter it, but then gave up and departed. 11:18 Bethany was a small town, about 2 miles (3.2 Km) from Jerusalem.

Tip 2
11:26 Lives refers to those who have spiritual life now (see Jn 3:36). Those who believe shall never die, in that they will ultimately triumph over death. 11:27 Martha’s reference to the one who is coming into the world takes up the messianic expression derived from Psalms 118:26 (Jn 12:13).


Lord, please help me not to lose hope when I am in doubt because of all the darkness.

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