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영어 QT

You will see the glory of God

요한복음 11:37-11:44 본문보기


Thinking & Understanding
The tears of Jesus shows His sympathy for those who are sad and also sadness because of those who lack faith. Jesus did not go into the house; instead He went straight to the tomb of Lazarus and ordered the stone to be moved. But Martha hesitated, saying there would be a bad odor because Lazarus had been dead for four days. However, Jesus raised the rotting body of Lazarus in front of many people. Through this miracle, Jesus revealed that He is the Son of God who is the Ruler (Lord) of life and death (vv. 37-44).
예수님의 눈물은 슬퍼하는 이들에 대한 연민과 동시에 그들의 믿음 없음에 대해 안타까워하시는 예수님의 마음을 보여줍니다. 예수님은 집으로 들어가지 않으시고 바로 나사로를 묻은 무덤으로 가셔서 무덤을 막고 있는 돌을 옮겨놓으라고 하셨습니다. 하지만 마르다는 나사로가 죽은 지 나흘이나 되어 냄새가 난다며 주저했습니다. 그러나 예수님은 많은 사람들이 지켜보는 앞에서 이미 부패가 시작된 죽은 나사로를 다시 살리셨습니다. 예수님은 이 사건을 통해서 자신이 바로 삶과 죽음의 주관자(주인)인 하나님의 아들이심을 드러내셨습니다(37-44절).

What lesson is God teaching me?
From Jesus’ loud voice “Lazarus, come out!”, feel the Lord’s cry of “I will die on the cross so that you live forever.” Think of this grace that frees you from sin and death, and praise the Lord with a loud voice.
“나사로야 나오라” 하고 외치시는 예수님의 고함 속에서 “내가 십자가에서 너를 대신하여 죽을 테니 너는 영원히 살아라” 말씀하시는 주님의 절규를 느껴보십시오. 그리고 지금까지 나를 묶고 있던 모든 죄와 사망의 사슬을 풀어주신 은혜를 생각하며 큰 소리로 주님을 찬양하십시오.

Tip 1
11:38 deeply moved means to feel something deeply and strongly. Jesus was moved with profound sorrow at the death of Lazarus. His sorrow was intermixed with anger at the evil of death and with a deep sense of awe at God’s power that was about to flow through him to triumph over death.

Tip 2
11:44 Remarkably, John does not record Lazarus’s reaction or any of the aftermath of his raising (cf. Lk 8:55–56), except for the fact that “many of the Jews … believed in him” (i.e., Jesus) as a result of seeing this miracle (Jh 11:45; see also 12:9–11). John’s focus is only on Jesus, not Lazarus.


Thank you for saving me from the darkness and for making me one of the people in your Kingdom.

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