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영어 QT

Preparing for the death of Jesus

요한복음 12:1-12:8 본문보기


Preparing for the death of Jesus
예수님의 죽음을 준비하다

When Mary washed Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume, Jesus said that it was preparatory for the funeral of His death on the cross for the sins of humanity.
마리아가 값비싼 향유로 예수님의 발을 씻어 드리자, 예수님은 그 일이 인류의 죄를 대신해 십자가에 달려 죽을 자신의 장례를 미리 준비한 것이라고 말씀하셨습니다.

Thinking & Understanding
When Jesus visited Bethany where He had raised dead Lazarus back to life, the family of Lazarus threw a party for Jesus. Each member of the family expressed their love and thanks for Jesus in their own wayMartha prepared the meal, Lazarus dined with Jesus and Mary washed Jesus’ feet with very expensive perfume (vv. 1-3). In particular, Mary’s action prepared for the approaching death of Jesus (v. 7).
예수님께서 죽은 나사로를 살리셨던 베다니를 다시 방문하시자, 나사로의 가족은 예수님을 위해 잔치를 베풀었습니다. 마르다는 음식을 만들어 시중드는 것으로, 나사로는 함께 식사하며 교제하는 것으로, 마리아는 매우 값진 향유를 예수님 발에 부어드리는 것으로 각각 예수님께 대한 감사와 사랑을 표시했습니다(1-3절). 특히 마리아의 행동은 예수님 앞에 놓여있는 임박한 죽음을 예비하는 행동이기도 했습니다(7절).

What lesson is God teaching me?
Those who give their most precious possessions to the Lord give themselves to their neighbors. This is because love for the Lord and love for the neighbors are always in direct proportion. This means we can see our love for the Lord by asking ourselves how much we love our neighbors. How much do we love our Lord? By the love we show to our neighbors.
주님을 위해 자신의 가장 귀한 것을 드릴 수 있는 자가 이웃을 위해서도 자신을 부어줄 수 있습니다. 주님을 향한 사랑과 이웃 사랑은 언제나 정비례하기 때문입니다. 이 말은 이웃을 얼마만큼 사랑하고 있느냐를 통해 주님을 향한 우리 사랑의 정도를 알 수 있다는 말과 같습니다. 이웃을 사랑함으로 드러나고 있는 주님을 향한 내 사랑지수는 얼마입니까?

Tip 1
12:7 So that she may keep it may mean “keep the rest of the perfume,” but Mark 14:3 says the flask was broken, and Judas complains that it was already wasted. Other interpretations are “so that she may keep (the memory of this)” or “so that she could keep it for the day of my burial.”

Tip 2
12:8 the poor. Jesus’ response alludes to Dt 15:11 (not to discourage helping the poor). You do not always have me foreshadows Jesus’ impending death on the cross, resurrection and ascension, as well as the shortness of time remaining for the disciples to have a part in his earthly ministry.


Lord, please let my life overflow with service and devotion to You and my neighbors.

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