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영어 QT

One Person’s Death for Everyone

요한복음 12:23-12:31 본문보기


One Person’s Death for Everyone
모든 사람을 위한 한 사람의 죽음

Jesus compares His death with the death of a grain of wheat. This is because it is through the death of a grain of wheat, that many seeds are produced. Similarly, the death of Jesus will save many people from death.
예수님은 자신의 죽음을 밀알 하나의 죽음으로 말씀하십니다. 그것은 밀알 하나가 죽음으로 많은 열매를 맺는 것처럼 예수님의 죽음도 많은 사람을 살리기 위한 죽음이었기 때문입니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Jesus said that just as the death of one grain of wheat on the ground will produce many seeds, His death on the cross will produce many fruits of salvation. This rule of a grain of wheat must be followed by Jesus’ disciples, and for those who give themselves like a grain of wheat, God will honor them (vv. 23-26).
Jesus was in pain knowing that the cross meant suffering and death, but He did not avoid this path because He knew that this glorious way would reveal the name of God and also the way of salvation for all humanity (vv. 27-31).
예수님은 밀알 하나가 땅에 떨어져 죽어 많은 열매를 맺듯이 자신도 십자가에 달려 죽음으로 많은 구원의 열매를 맺으실 것이라고 말씀하십니다. 이런 밀알의 법칙은 예수님의 제자들도 당연히 따라야 하는 것으로 밀알처럼 자신을 드리는 제자들을 주님께서는 귀히 여기실 것입니다(23-26절).
예수님은 자기 앞에 놓인 십자가의 길이 고통과 죽음의 길이라는 것을 잘 아셨기에 한편으로는 괴로워하셨지만, 그 길이 하나님의 이름을 드러내는 영광의 길이며 모든 사람을 위한 구원의 길이라는 것을 아셨기에 그 길을 피하지 않으셨습니다(27-31절).

What lesson is God teaching me?
Following Jesus means that you participate in His lifestyle. In other words, like a grain of wheat, we must fall to the ground and die. First, try to sacrifice your profit and safety first. Then devote yourself to your neighbors.
예수님을 따르는 것은 그분의 삶의 방식에 동참하는 것입니다. 즉 한 알의 밀알처럼 땅에 떨어져 죽는 것입니다. 먼저 내 이익과 내 안녕을 포기해보십시오. 그리고 주변 사람들을 위해 헌신해보십시오.

Tip 1
12:29 crowd…said that it had thundered. Events of eternal consequence are occurring in the unseen spiritual realm, but when unbelievers see or hear a manifestation of them (even the very voice of God speaking from heaven), they misinterpret them as natural events, showing their spiritual blindness.

Tip 2
12:31 The ruler of this world in its present fallen, sinful state is Satan (cf. 14:30; 16:11; 1Jn 5:19). Now, at the cross, the Devil will be cast out, that is, decisively defeated. Jesus’ triumph over Satan in his death and resurrection is the basis for his final triumph in the consummation (Rev 20:10).


Lord, pleas let me learn and practice Jesus’ love so that my neighbor may live through my sacrifice.

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