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영어 QT

You also Wash One Another’s Feet

요한복음 13:12-13:20 본문보기


You also Wash One Another’s Feet
너희도 서로 남의 발을 씻겨라

For those whom Jesus served by washing, participated in God’s love; they must also practice true love through serving others, just as Jesus did.
예수님께서 발을 씻겨주신 섬김을 받아 하나님의 사랑에 참여한 자들은 이제 주님께서 하신 것처럼 다른 사람을 온전히 섬김으로 참사랑을 실천해야 합니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, because He truly loved them. But the disciples did not understand Jesus’ action. This was because washing feet was the job for slaves of the lowest rank. However, Jesus did not wash their feet merely because they were unclean. It was to show that Jesus, who is God, came humbly to die for the sins of humanity, and to demonstrate that His disciples must also serve one another in humility (vv. 12-20).
예수님은 제자들을 참으로 사랑하셨기에 그들의 발을 씻겨주십니다. 그러나 제자들은 예수님의 행동을 이해하지 못했습니다. 당시에 발을 씻기는 일은 가장 낮은 종이 하는 일이었기 때문입니다. 하지만 예수님은 단지 제자들의 발이 더러워서 씻겨주신 것이 아닙니다. 이는 하나님이신 예수님이 낮아지셔서 사람들의 죄를 위해 죽으실 것을 나타내시는 동시에, 제자들도 이와 같이 낮아져서 서로 섬겨야 함을 직접 보여주신 것입니다(12-20절).

What lesson is God teaching me?
A Christian who confesses Jesus as Lord must also wrap a towel around his waist and live a life of washing others’ feet, just as Jesus did. Do you have any desire to avoid serving others or to be served as a lord? Always seek people whom you can serve in the name of our Lord.
예수님을 주님으로 고백하는 성도는 주님께서 제자들의 발을 씻기셨던 것처럼, 그분께서 허리에 두르셨던 수건을 물려받아 다른 사람의 발을 씻겨주는 삶을 살아야 합니다. 혹, 다른 사람을 섬겨야 할 종의 자리에서 벗어나 주인으로 대접을 받고 싶은 마음은 없으십니까? 항상 주님의 이름으로 내가 섬겨야할 사람을 먼저 찾아보십시오.

Tip 1
13:14 Footwashing continues as a regular ceremony in a number of modern denominations, which literally obey Jesus’ command, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. Others believe the language is figurative for the importance of serving one another, and that the act itself is not required.

Tip 2
13:20 receives. The same word for “receive” [Gk. lambanō] is also used in 1:12; 3:32–33; 5:43; 12:48.) This and similar verses (e.g., 20:22; Lk 18:17; Ro 3:25) give the basis for using the language of “receiving Christ as Savior” in reference to hearing the gospel message and believing it.


Lord, please give me grace to serve my neighbors, especially those at the bottom of the society who are neglected by others.

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