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Predicting the Betrayal of Judas of Iscariot

요한복음 13:21-13:30 본문보기


Predicting the Betrayal of Judas of Iscariot
가룟 유다의 배반 예고

Jesus knew that Judas would betray Him and revealed this truth, as He urged Judas to carry out his plan.
유다가 배반할 것을 미리 아신 예수님은 그 일을 드러내 말씀하시고, 유다에게 계획한 일을 속히 시행하라고 촉구하십니다.

Thinking & Understanding
When Jesus told the disciples that “one of you will betray me” (v. 21), Peter motioned to the disciple whom Jesus loved to ask who it was. But Jesus replied by saying that it is ‘the one’ to whom He would give a piece of bread after dipping it in the glass. Then, Jesus passed it to Judas. The Bible said at that very moment Satan entered Judas, and this implies that Satan is behind Judas’ plot. However, this does not alleviate Judas’s responsibility. Satan merely used Judas as a tool; and considering playing the tool, was the choice of Judas (vv. 21-30).
예수님께서 제자들에게 “너희 중 하나가 나를 팔 것이다”라고 하시자, 베드로는 ‘예수님의 사랑하시는 제자’에게 시켜 예수님께 구체적으로 ‘그’가 누구인지 여쭈어보게 했습니다. 요한의 질문을 받은 예수님은 적신 빵조각을 받는 자가 바로 ‘그’라고 하시며 유다에게 빵조각을 주셨습니다. 성경은 이때 유다에게 사탄이 들어갔다고 기록하고 있는데, 이는 유다의 배신 배후에 사탄이 있었음을 의미합니다. 그러나 이 사실 때문에 유다의 책임이 면해지는 것은 아닙니다. 사탄은 그를 도구로 이용했을 뿐, 사탄의 도구 역할을 자처한 것은 유다였기 때문입니다(21-30절).

What lesson is God teaching me?
It was night when Judas left after taking the bread; this not only demonstrates the physical state of the event, but also the spiritual state of Judas when he left Jesus, who came as light, to enter the darkness. If we leave the Word of the Lord, our hearts would fall into deep darkness and our lives would be dominated by the temptations of Satan. Live today in the light of the Lord and do not be like Judas.
유다가 예수님께서 주신 조각을 받고 나갈 때가 ‘밤’이었는데, 이는 시간적인 의미와 동시에 빛으로 오신 예수님을 떠나서 어둠 속으로 들어가는 유다의 영적 상태를 말하기도 합니다. 주님의 말씀을 떠나 사단의 꼬임에 지배받는 마음은 어둠이 깊습니다. 유다와 같은 모습이 되지 않도록 오늘도 빛이신 주님 안에 머물러 사십시오.

Tip 1
13:22 uncertain of whom he spoke. Judas’s outward behavior conformed so nearly to that of the other disciples that they did not immediately assume that Jesus was talking about Judas. 13:23 reclining. In such a situation it would be easy for John to lean back a bit and whisper privately to Jesus.

Tip 2
13:27 Satan entered into him. Although Satan had earlier put the desire to betray Christ into Judas’s heart (v. 2), Satan himself now enters into Judas, suggesting a more dominant influence in the actions to follow. 13:30 And it was night strikes an ominous note (Lk 22:53; Mt 26:20; Mk 14:17).


Jesus, please let Your light always be inside me so that my life does not fall into darkness.

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