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영어 QT

The new Commandment of Love

요한복음 13:31-13:38 본문보기


The new Commandment of Love
사랑의 새 계명

Jesus teaches the disciples that as long as they are in this world, they must love each other. This is because when the disciples love one another, people will know that they follow Jesus.
예수님은 제자들에게 세상에 있는 동안 서로를 힘써 사랑하라고 가르치십니다. 이는 제자들이 서로 사랑할 때에, 세상이 그들을 예수님의 제자로 알게 되기 때문입니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Jesus knew He would soon leave, and He insisted that His disciples love one another. Jesus gave this command on condition that He loved the disciples, that is, Jesus desired the disciples to love one another based upon His love. This love will act to prove that they are the true disciples of Jesus (vv. 31-35).
Peter showed his love to Jesus by saying that “I will lay down my life for you,” but he would deny Jesus three times before the rooster crowed (vv. 36-38).
예수님은 자신이 떠나게 될 것을 아시고 제자들에게 서로 사랑할 것을 촉구하셨습니다. 이러한 권면에는 먼저 제자들에 대한 예수님의 사랑이 전제되어 있습니다. 즉 예수님은 제자들에게 당신의 사랑에 기초하여 서로 사랑하라고 말씀하시는 것입니다. 이러한 사랑은 제자들이 예수님의 참 제자임을 증명하는 표지 역할을 합니다(31-35절).
베드로는 예수님께 “주님을 위해 목숨을 바치겠습니다”라고 말하며 자신의 사랑을 드러냈습니다. 하지만 베드로는 닭이 울기 전에 주님을 세 번이나 부인할 것입니다 (36-38절).

What lesson is God teaching me?
Rather than an immature confession such as “I will lay down my life for you”, it is more important to physically obey the Lord’s command to ‘love one another.’ Try to think and put into practice how you could ‘love one another’ today.
“제가 주님을 위해 목숨을 버리겠습니다”라는 열정 어린 고백보다 오늘 내 삶의 현장에서 ‘서로 사랑하라’는 주님의 명령에 구체적으로 순종하며 사는 것이 더 중요합니다. 바로 오늘 내가 실천할 수 있는 ‘이웃 사랑’이 무엇일지 구체적으로 생각하고 실천해보십시오.

Tip 1
13:34–35 Love must be the distinguishing mark of Jesus’ disciples. Jesus’ “new command” takes its point of departure from the Mosaic commands to love the Lord with all one’s powers and to love one’s neighbor as oneself (Lev 19:18; cf. Dt 6:5; Mk 12:28–33), (To be continued in Tip 2)

Tip 2
(Following Tip 1) but Jesus’ own love and teaching deepen and transform these commands. Jesus even taught love for one’s enemies (Mt 5:43–48). The command to love one’s neighbor was not new; the newness was found in loving one another as Jesus had loved his disciples (cf. John 13:1; 15:13).


Lord, bless those who I will be working with or spending time with today.

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