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Jesus, the True Vine

요한복음 15:1-15:9 본문보기


Jesus, the True Vine
참포도나무이신 예수님

Jesus speaks using a metaphor; He is the true vine and the believers are the branches. It is the unity between the vine and the branches that allows a branch to bear fruit; and as such, Jesus and the believers must be united so that believers bear fruit in their lives.
예수님께서 자신은 참포도나무에, 성도는 가지에 비유하셨습니다. 나무와 가지가 연합해야 열매를 맺는 것처럼 성도도 예수님과 연합해야만 열매 맺는 삶을 살 수 있습니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Jesus explains His relationship with His disciples using comparisons with the vine and the branches, and He goes further to teach them what kind of attitude they must have in this relationship with Him. They must abide in Jesus in order to bear abundant fruit so that God will be glorified. However, if they do not abide in Jesus, they will not bear fruit, and like a dead branch, they will be cut off and burnt (vv. 1-9).
예수님은 자신과 제자들과의 관계를 포도나무와 가지의 비유로 설명하시는데, 이 비유는 제자들이 예수님과의 관계에서 어떠한 태도를 취해야 할지를 가르쳐줍니다. 그들은 예수님 안에 거하여 열매를 많이 맺어 하나님께 영광을 돌려야 합니다. 그러나 예수님 안에 머물러있지 않으면 열매를 맺지 못하고 쓸모없는 가지처럼 버림받아 불태워질 것입니다(1-9절).

What lesson is God teaching me?
Those who are unified with Jesus are not afraid in any circumstance, and depend only on the Words of God and prayer so that they are provided great power. They do not try to bear fruit by their own abilities and effort. Abide in the Word and pray that you would bear fruit, not by your own power, but by God’s power.
예수님과 연합한 자들은 모든 일에 두려워하지 않고, 오직 주님의 말씀을 의지하여 아버지께 기도하여 큰 능력을 공급받습니다. 자신의 힘과 노력으로 열매를 맺으려 분주히 뛰어다니지 않습니다. 말씀 안에 깊이 머물러 내 힘이 아닌 하나님의 힘으로 열매 맺는 삶을 살 수 있도록 기도하십시오.

Tip 1
15:6 The person who does not abide in me is an unbeliever who does not have a personal faith in Christ (see ESV SB note on v. 4). The verse echoes Ezekiel 15:1–8, where a vine failing to produce fruit is said to be good for nothing but the fire (see Heb 6:7–8). (To be continued in Tip 2)

Tip 2
15:6 Fire is a common Jewish and biblical symbol for divine judgment (e.g., Isa 30:27; Mt 3:12). Some take this “fire” to imply loss of reward for true believers, not eternal judgment for unbelievers, but this does not fit as well with the image of branches being entirely burned up by a fire.


Lord, let me bear fruit with Your strength, not mine, and let me also abide in Your Word forever.

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