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The Authority of Jesus

요한복음 18:3-18:11 본문보기


The Authority of Jesus
예수님의 권세

In the Gospel of John, John perceives the cross to be more focused upon glory than pain. Therefore, John testifies that Jesus, by His own free-will, revealed His authority as the King of glory by allowing Himself to be arrested.
요한복음에서 십자가를 보는 요한의 관점은 고난보다 영광에 맞춰져있습니다. 그래서 요한은 예수님께서 체포되신 것도 영광의 왕께서 자의로 체포되어 자신의 권세를 드러내신 것이라고 증거합니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Guided by Judas of Iscariot, Roman and Jewish soldiers went to arrest Jesus. Jesus reveals by saying ‘I am he’ to those who came to kill Him. By saying this, Jesus has proclaimed that He is God and that all the things that will happen are subject to His plan and will (vv. 1-6).
Jesus stopped Peter who drew the sword and told those who came to arrest him to let His disciples go and take Him only. By protecting His disciples, Jesus protected the churches that would be built through them (vv. 7-11).
로마와 유대의 군사가 가룟 유다의 인도를 받아 예수님을 잡으러 왔습니다. 예수님은 자신을 죽이러 온 그들에게 “내로라”라고 자신을 밝히셨습니다. 이는 자신이 하나님이시며 앞으로 이루어질 일들이 모두 자신의 계획과 뜻 가운데 이루어지는 일임을 알리신 것입니다(1-6절).
예수님은 검을 빼든 베드로를 만류하시고, 자신을 잡으러 온 자들에게 자신만 데려가고 다른 제자들은 보내라고 하셨습니다. 이를 통해 예수님은 제자들을 보호하셨고, 또 앞으로 그들을 통해 세워질 교회까지 보호하신 것입니다(7-11절).

What lesson is God teaching me?
Because of his passion for Jesus, Peter drew his sword to protect Jesus. However, misplaced passion or zeal that steams from our own plans and not God's will, can be a stumbling block to the Kingdom of God. It is good to act passionately for God. However, be caution that you passion is subservient to God's will, so that you bring positive consequences to the Kingdom of God.
베드로가 예수님을 보호하려고 칼을 빼든 것은, 예수님을 향한 열정 때문입니다. 하지만 하나님의 뜻이 아닌 사람의 뜻을 따르는 열정은 오히려 하나님 나라에 방해가 될 수 있습니다. 열정적으로 일하는 것은 좋습니다. 하지만 그 열정이 하나님의 뜻을 따르는 것인지, 그래서 하나님 나라에 유익을 끼치고 있는 것인지 항상 주의하여 보십시오.

Tip 1
18:3 The officers from the chief priests and the Pharisees were the primary arresting officers (temple polices). Lanterns and torches were needed to track down a suspect thought to be hiding in the dark corners of the garden, and weapons were needed to overcome any armed resistance.

Tip 2
18:5 Jesus’ self-identification, “I am he,” has connotations of deity (see ESV SB notes on 8:24). This is suggested by the soldiers’ reaction in the following verses. 18:6 Falling to the ground is a common reaction to divine revelation (Eze 1:28; Da 2:46; 10:9; Ac 9:4; 26:14; Rev 1:17; 19:10; 22:8).


Lord, let me serve You with passion, but only with right passion that is obedient and helpful for Your Kingdom.

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