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A Poised King and A Fearful Disciple

요한복음 18:16-18:22 본문보기


A Poised King and A Fearful Disciple
당당한 왕과 비겁한 제자

When Jesus was brought in front of Annas, the high priest, after being arrested in the garden; Jesus demonstrates His kingly authority with poise; whereas Peter fearfully denies being Jesus’ disciple, even to a servant girl.
동산에서 체포되신 예수님은 대제사장 안나스 앞에서 당당하게 왕적 권위를 나타내시지만, 베드로는 하녀 앞에서조차 비겁하게 예수님의 제자임을 부인합니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Peter followed Jesus to the court of Annas after Jesus’ arrest in the garden. A servant girl, who recognized Peter, asked if he was a disciple of Jesus, but Peter denied it. Even though it was not a threatening situation, Peter cowardly denied being Jesus’ disciple (vv. 16-18). Unlike Peter, Jesus was composed in front of the high priest. He spoke with such composure concerning their accusations that the officer struck Jesus with his hand. The reason Jesus, who has the power to give life or to take it as the Son of God, suffered such humiliation was because He submitted His life to God’s will. (vv. 19-22)
베드로는 동산에서 체포되신 예수님을 따라 대제사장 안나스의 집 안뜰까지 들어갔습니다. 베드로를 알아본 하녀가 예수의 제자가 아니냐고 묻자, 베드로는 아니라고 대답했습니다. 위협적인 상황이 아니었는데도 베드로는 비겁하게 예수님을 부인한 것입니다(16-18절). 이런 베드로의 모습과는 달리 예수님은 대제사장 앞에서 당당하셨습니다. 너무도 당당한 예수님의 모습에 화가 난 경비병이 손바닥으로 예수님을 때렸습니다. 하나님의 아들로 사람을 살릴 수도 죽일 수도 있는 권세를 가진 예수님께서 이런 수난을 당하신 것은 하나님의 뜻을 따라 스스로 선택해서 그 자리에 계셨기 때문입니다(19-22절).

What lesson is God teaching me?
Like Peter, who denied being the disciple of Jesus and hid within the crowd, do we not also hide in the world by denying that we are Christians? The cry of rooster can be heard. Because of me, Jesus is being struck by His own creation. Reveal to the world that you are Christian.
예수님의 제자임을 부인하며 사람들 속에 움츠러든 베드로처럼, 우리도 세상 속에 움츠러들어, 자신이 그리스도인임을 숨기고 있지 않습니까? 닭 울음소리가 들립니다. 나 때문에 자신의 피조물에게 예수님을 뺨을 맞으셨습니다. 이제 그만 자신을 밝히십시오.

Tip 1
18:16 The other disciple is probably none other than John himself, “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (20:2; 21:24). 18:19 The high priest is Annas. Questioning Jesus about his disciples and his teaching suggests that the primary concern is theological, though political charges are later lodged as well.

Tip 2
18:22 One of the officers standing by was probably one of those who took part in Jesus’ arrest (vv. 3, 12). The striking was likely a sharp blow with the flat of the man’s hand (Isa 50:6 in the Septuagint; Mt 26:67; Ac 23:1–5). The rebuke may echo Ex 22:28 (quoted by Paul in Acts 23:5).
3월 26일 John 18:33-38


Lord, let me show others that I am a disciple of Jesus through my words and actions.

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