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Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews

요한복음 19:18-19:25 본문보기


Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews
나사렛 예수, 유대인의 왕

The inscription ‘Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews’ was written in every language used in Palestine [at the time when Jesus was crucified] (Hebrew, Roman and Greek).
빌라도는 당시 유대 지역에서 통용되는 모든 언어(히브리어, 로마어, 헬라어)로 ‘나사렛 예수 유대인의 왕’이라는 명패를 만들어 십자가에 붙여놓았습니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Jesus was crucified on Golgotha. Despite crucifying Jesus, Pilate wanted to publicly convey that Jesus was the King of the Jews. This is observed through Pilate’s response when the Jews asked Pilate to change the inscription on Jesus’ cross to ‘this man said I am King of the Jews,’ Pilate responded ‘what I have written, I have written.’ In particular, the fact that ‘the King of the Jews’ was written in Hebrew, Roman and Greek testifies to the universality of Jesus’ Kingship (vv. 18-22).
예수님은 골고다에서 십자가에 못 박히셨습니다. 빌라도는 비록 예수님을 십자가의 죽음으로 내몰기는 했지만 끝까지 ‘유대인의 왕’이라는 표현을 사용하고 싶어했습니다. 이러한 빌라도의 의지는 ‘자칭 유대인의 왕’으로 쓰자는 유대인들의 제안을 거절하며 ‘나는 쓸 것을 썼다’는 발언에서 분명하게 드러납니다. 특별히 ‘유대인의 왕’이라는 문구가 히브리어와 라틴어와 헬라어로 적혀있다는 사실은 예수님의 왕 되심이 우주적이라는 사실을 강변해줍니다(18-22절).

What lesson is God teaching me?
Under the cross of Jesus, where the salvation of humanity is achieved, consider the soldiers who are casting lots to take Jesus’ clothes without knowing His grace (vv. 23-24). What do we seek today when we come before the cross? Remember, if we are blinded by worldly values such as money and honor, we will not be focused upon the grace and love of Jesus.
인류 구원이 성취된 예수님의 십자가 아래에서 그 엄청난 은혜의 혜택을 모른 채 옷 한 자락을 서로 취하려고 제비를 뽑는 병사들을 보십시오. 오늘 우리는 십자가 앞에까지 와서 무엇을 구합니까? 우리가 세상이 추구하는 가치(돈, 명예)에 눈이 멀어지면 정작 누려야 할 예수님의 은혜와 사랑은 맛볼 수 없음을 기억하십시오.

Tip 1
19:18 On crucifixion: Jesus’ crucifixion between two criminals is reminiscent of Ps 22:16“a company of evildoers encircles me” (See also Isa 53:12). 19:19 The purpose of the inscription was to indicate a person’s specific crime, presumably to deter others from committing similar acts.

Tip 2
19:20 the place … was near the city. the Aramaic is “Gulgulta”; the Latin is “Calvary.” Aramaic: the language most widely understood by the Jewish; Latin: the official language of the Roman occupying force; Greek: the “international language” of the empire, understood by both Jews and Gentiles.


Lord, I praise the precious blood of Jesus that has purified me through the cross.

은혜와 기도나눔

Let's accept God is God. And let's acknowledge his work today in our lives and society.

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