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Seven Words from the Cross

요한복음 19:28-19:30 본문보기


Seven Words from the Cross

After Jesus was nailed on to the cross, He spoke seven words. Out of the seven, three were recorded in the Gospel of John.
예수님은 십자가에 못 박히신 후 일곱 말씀을 남기셨습니다. 그 중 셋이 요한복음에 기록되어 있습니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Luke 23:34—Jesus prayed for the forgiveness of those who killed Him.
Luke 23:43—The criminal who repented is promised paradise and salvation.
John 19:26-27—Jesus asked John to look after His mother Mary.
Matt. 27:46—The physical pain was very difficult for Jesus to bear; but more difficult was the separation from God (also refer to Mk 15:34).
John 19:28—Jesus said He was thirsty, which fulfilled Scripture and occurred because of the intense pain.
John 19:30—Jesus completes God’s plan to save humanity.
Luke 23:46—Jesus entrusted His soul to God. At that moment, Jesus became fully glorified.
누가복음 23:34—예수님은 자신을 죽이는 자들을 하나님께서 용서해주시기를 기도하십니다.
누가복음 23:43—예수님은 회개한 강도를 구원해주시고 낙원을 약속하십니다.
요한복음 19:26-27—예수님은 제자 요한에게 어머니 마리아를 의탁하십니다.
마태복음 27:46—예수님은 육체의 고통이 극에 달하자 참기 힘들어 하셨습니다. 하지만 주님께 더 힘 든 것은 하나님과의 단절이었습니다(막 15:34 참고).
요한복음 19:28—목마름은 극심한 고통 가운데 생기는 현상입니다.
요한복음 19:30—예수님은 인류 구원이라는 하나님의 구속 계획을 완성하셨습니다.
누가복음 23:46—예수님은 자신의 영혼을 하나님께 맡김으로 완전한 영광 속으로 들어가십니다.

Tip 1
19:28-30 Jesus received the sour wine (The reference to Scripture being fulfilled builds on v. 24, most likely in allusion to Ps 69:21: “for my thirst they gave me sour wine to drink.”), probably to moisten his parched throat in order to be able to proclaim a loud cry of triumph at the end of his suffering.

Tip 2
19:30 It is finished proclaims that all the work the Father had sent him to accomplish (4:34; 9:4) was now completed, particularly his work of bearing the penalty for sins. This means there was no more penalty left to be paid for sins, for all Jesus’ suffering was “finished” (Heb 1:3; 9:11–12, 25–28).


Thank you God for giving me the gift of salvation. Let it not only be words that I say with gratitude, but help me to devote all of myself and all of my life to You.

은혜와 기도나눔

I hope I see Jesus'ssimple life instead of reasoning the bible complicatedly.

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