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Death of Jesus and Two Disciples

요한복음 19:33-19:40 본문보기


Death of Jesus and Two Disciples
예수님의 죽음과 두 제자

The death of Jesus changed Joseph and Nicodemus, who were hiding their faith in Jesus. They no longer hid their faith, but showed their belief through their actions.
예수님의 죽음은 믿음을 숨기고 있던 요셉과 니고데모를 변화시켰습니다. 그들은 더 이상 자신의 믿음을 숨기지 않고 행동으로 믿음을 드러냈습니다.

Thinking & Understanding
The day that Jesus died was the day when the lamb was sacrificed for Passover. Moreover, the soldiers broke two of the people’s legs that were crucified with Jesus, but they did not break the legs of Jesus. Through this the Word was fulfilled, as the bones of the Passover Lamb, Jesus, were not broken. Even more, just as the Passover lamb was sacrificed yearly to atone for the sins of the Jews, Jesus was sacrificed as an everlasting atonement for the totality of human sin (vv. 33-37).
The people who carried out Jesus’ funeral were not the disciples who followed Jesus, but disciples who had concealed their faith in Jesus—Joseph and Nicodemus (vv. 38-39).
예수께서 돌아가신 날은 유월절을 지내기 위해 어린양을 죽이는 날이었습니다. 병사들은 예수님과 함께 십자가에 못 박힌 두 사람의 다리는 꺾었지만, 예수님의 다리는 꺾지 않았습니다. 이로서 유월절 어린양의 다리는 꺾지 않는다는 말씀이 이루어졌습니다. 이는 유월절 어린양이 대속의 제물이었던 것처럼 예수님께서도 대속의 제물로 드려지셨음을 의미합니다(33-37절).
예수님을 장사지낸 사람들은 드러내 놓고 예수님을 따르던 제자들이 아니라 숨어 있던 제자들(요셉과 니고데모)이었습니다(38-40절).

What lesson is God teaching me?
Although the faith of Joseph and Nicodemus was weak, when God needed them, they bore their appropriate roles in God’s plan. Do you sometimes feel like an unnecessary existence? Within a community (family, church, society), there are no unusable people. Remember that in God, anyone can be preciously used by God.
비록 요셉과 니고데모의 믿음은 연약했지만, 그들은 하나님께서 필요로하는 순간에 적절한 역할을 감당할 수 있었습니다. 간혹, 내 자신이 불필요한 존재같이 느껴지십니까? 공동체(가정, 교회, 사회) 안에는 나를 포함해 불필요한 사람은 하나도 없습니다. 하나님 안에서는 누구든지 귀하게 쓰임받을 수 있음을 기억하십시오.
Tip 1
19:34 The flow of blood and water indicates that Jesus truly died as a fully human being with a genuine human body (1Jn 5:6–8). The spear (Latin hasta) was about 6 feet (1.8 m) in length and was made up of an iron point or spearhead joined to a shaft of light wood, such as ash (v. 36).

Tip 2
19:36 Not one of his bones will be broken. After vv. 24, 28, this is now the third scriptural proof cited by John to indicate that Jesus’ death fulfills Scripture (Ps 34:20; also Ex 12:46). Jesus escaped the breaking of his legs, and the spear piercing his body likewise failed to break any bones.


Thank You Jesus for dying for my sins like the lamb of Passover; and for making me eternally precious because of Your name.

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