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The Gift of Resurrection

요한복음 20:19-20:25 본문보기


The Gift of Resurrection
부활의 선물

The resurrected Jesus now appears to His disciples and gives them the peace that the resurrection provided the new era. However, Thomas, who was not at the scene, does not believe in the resurrection of Jesus.
부활하신 주님께서 제자들에게 나타나 십자가와 부활이 주는 새 시대의 선물(평강)을 주십니다. 하지만 그 현장에 없었던 도마는 예수님의 부활을 믿지 않습니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Jesus came to the disciples who were afraid of the Jews; if fear they had locked the doors. Jesus gave them peace, and commanded them to go into the world to spread the peace they had received. Jesus also said to His disciples, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” This symbolized the fact that it is the resurrected Jesus Himself who gives the Holy Spirit to His disciples. The Holy Spirit actually came to the disciples (at Pentecost) after Jesus had ascended to heaven (vv. 19-23). However, Thomas was not at the place when Jesus appeared to the disciples. He said that he would not believe the resurrection of Jesus unless he touched the marks of the nails and Jesus’ wounded side (vv. 24-25).
유대인들이 두려워 문까지 잠그고 있던 제자들에게 예수님께서 찾아오셨습니다. 예수님은 제자들에게 평강을 주시고, 그 받은 평강을 세상에 나가 전하라는 사명을 주셨습니다. 또한 예수님은 제자들에게 “성령을 받으라”라고 말씀하시는데, 이는 제자들에게 성령님을 주시는 분이 바로 부활한 자신임을 상징적으로 보여주시는 것입니다. 실제로 성령님은 예수님의 승천 후 오순절에 오셨습니다(19-23절). 하지만 예수님께서 오셨을 당시 그 자리에 없었던 도마는 예수님의 못 박히고 창에 찔린 상처를 직접 만져보지 않고는 예수님의 부활을 믿지 않겠다고 말합니다(24-25절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
Jesus did not scold the disciples who were fearful; rather, He gave them peace and promised the Holy Spirit. Are there problems and difficulties that you fear? Pray and come to Jesus who always gives peace and gives us the power of the Holy Spirit.
예수님은 두려움에 떨고 있는 제자들을 책망하지 않으시고 그들에게 오히려 평강을 주셨고 성령을 약속하셨습니다. 나를 두렵게 하는 문제들과 어려움들이 있습니까? 지금 바로 평강을 주시고 성령의 능력으로 함께해주시는 예수님 앞으로 기도로 나가십시오.

Tip 1
20:22 When Jesus breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit,” it is best understood as a foretaste of what would happen when the Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost (see Ac 2). This does not mean that the Holy Spirit had no presence in the disciples’ lives prior to this point.

Tip 2
20:25 Apparently, Thomas thinks the disciples may have seen a ghost (Mt 14:26). Yet John is careful to affirm that Jesus is the incarnate Word (Jn 1:14; 1Jn 4:2–3; 2Jn 7), which entails that his resurrection body is not a phantom or spirit apparition but a real (albeit glorified) body.


Lord, You know what will happen today. I confess that my peace is found only with Your plans.

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