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Jesus Appears to His Disciples for the Third Time

요한복음 21:1-21:7 본문보기


Jesus Appears to His Disciples for the Third Time
세 번째 찾아오신 예수님

Jesus appears to His disciples who have returned to their old fishing job. During this third meeting after the resurrection, Jesus comforts the disciples and renews their calling.
예수님께서 어부로 돌아간 제자들을 찾아오셨습니다. 주님의 부활 후 세 번째 만남을 통해서 제자들은 위로를 받고 주님께서 주셨던 사명을 회복합니다.

Thinking & Understanding
The disciples returned to their old job as fishermen despite having received a new mission from Jesus. They had cast their nets all night long, but had caught nothing. As the day was now breaking, Jesus appeared on the shore and told them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat. At first, the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. They cast the nets as Jesus told them. However, when they caught so many fish—they could not haul them all in—they realized that it was Jesus. This event reminded the disciples of their first meeting with Jesus, and may have been the time when their calling as “fishers of men” was renewed (vv. 1-7).
제자들은 부활하신 예수님께 받은 사명이 있었음에도 다시 옛 직업인 어부로 돌아갔습니다. 그들은 밤새 그물을 던졌지만 고기를 잡지 못했습니다. 동틀 무렵 예수님께서 오셔서 그물을 배 오른쪽으로 던지라고 하셨습니다. 제자들은 말씀하시는 분이 누군지도 모른 채, 시키는 대로 그물을 던졌습니다. 하지만 그물을 끌어올릴 수 없을 정도로 많은 고기가 잡히자 제자들은 자신들에게 말씀하신 분이 예수님임을 깨달았습니다. 이 사건은 제자들로 하여금 예수님을 처음 만났을 때의 기억을 떠올리게 하고, 자신들에게 주어진 ‘사람 잡는 어부’의 사명을 회복시키는 계기가 되었을 것입니다(1-7절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
When the disciples returned to their old job as fishermen, forgetting their new mission, the things they had were the dark night, empty boats, and spiritual darkness which made them not to recognize Jesus. Do you feel like you are passing through a dark night spiritually? Are you tired because you do not fruit in your life? Perhaps, it may be because you have forgotten the mission the Lord has given you, and you have been living according to your own will.
사명을 잊은 채 옛 직업으로 돌아간 제자들을 맞은 것은 오직 깊은 밤과 빈 배와 주님을 알아보지 못하게 하는 영적 어두움뿐이었습니다. 요즘 영혼의 어두운 밤을 지나는 것 같고, 삶의 열매가 없어 힘이 드십니까? 주님께서 주신 사명을 잊고 내 뜻대로 살고 있기 때문은 아닌지 살펴보십시오.

Tip 1
21:1 After this. With the weeklong festival of Unleavened Bread now past, the disciples have left Jerusalem and returned to Galilee. 21:2 The sons of Zebedee—James and John in the Synoptics. Luke mentions that they were “partners with Simon” in fishing prior to being called by Jesus.

Tip 2
21:3 Night was the preferred time of day for fishing in ancient times (Lk 5:5). Fish caught during the night could be sold fresh in the morning. 21:7 The disciple whom Jesus loved must be one of the seven mentioned in v. 2 above, and is almost certainly John, the author of the Gospel.


Lord, help me to obey the mission that You have given me.

은혜와 기도나눔

Let's not forget God has the best image of who we can be. And he likes us in that expectation when he creates us in happiness.

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