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Restoration and Ministry

요한복음 21:15-21:19 본문보기


Restoration and Ministry
회복과 사명

Jesus restores Peter who experienced the biggest failure among the disciples, and reminds him of his calling which he must fulfill.
예수님은 제자들 중 가장 큰 실패를 경험한 베드로에게 특별히 집중하셔서 그를 회복시키시고 그가 앞으로 감당해야 할 사명을 일깨워주십니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Peter swore that he would lay down his life for Jesus, but instead denied Him three times and even cursed Him. To Peter, who could not even raise his head because of feeling guilty, Jesus asked three times, “Do you love Me?” Jesus wanted Peter to feel freedom from his sense of guilt by confessing how much he loved Him. Peter replied that the Lord knew that Peter loved Him and the Lord knew it. When Peter confessed his love for Jesus, the Lord gave him the ministry to “feed My sheep” (vv. 15-19).
베드로는 예수님을 위해 목숨까지 버리겠다고 장담했지만 세 번이나 예수님을 부인하고 저주까지 했습니다. 양심의 가책으로 차마 고개를 들지 못하는 베드로를 향해 예수님은 “나를 사랑하느냐?”라며 세 번이나 물어보셨습니다. 예수님은 베드로가 당신에게 사랑을 고백함으로 죄책감에서 자유해지기를 원하셨던 것입니다. 예수님의 질문에 베드로는 자신이 주님을 사랑하고 있으며 그 사실을 주님께서도 아시지 않냐고 대답합니다. 예수님께서는 사랑을 고백한 베드로에게 ‘양(영혼)들을 먹이고 돌보라’라는 사명을 주십니다(15-19절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
Jesus gave to ministry to His disciples to look after people. This meant that they were to spread the good news (the gospel) to save souls and to look after those who were in need. Is there anyone around you who needs looking after? Do not forget that it is not only the target of evangelism you pray for, but also those around you—such as the elderly who are alone or the weak people of society—which you need to look after.
예수님은 제자들에게 영혼을 돌보는 사명을 주셨습니다. 그 사명은 영혼구원을 위한 복음(말씀) 전파와 함께 사람들의 생활을 필요에 따라 실제로 돌봐주는 일까지 의미합니다. 우리 주위에서 내가 돌봐야 할 사람은 누구입니까? 내가 기도하고 있는 전도 대상자 뿐 아니라, 주변의 독거노인이나 사회적 약자들도 내가 돌봐드려야 할 분들임을 잊지 마십시오.

Tip 1
21:17 Feed my lambs. Jesus as the true shepherd (10:11-I am the good shepherd) appoints Peter and other apostles to be subordinate shepherds (1Pe 5:1-4 Jesus is the chief shepherd). Peter will demonstrate his love for Jesus by loving God’s people and feeding them with his Word.

Tip 2
21:18–19 Stretch out your hands was a way to convey the notion of crucifixion. Early evidence mentions Peter’s martyrdom without telling how it happened. Some later accounts say Peter was crucified upside down, refusing to die the same kind of death as his Lord, but this tradition is uncertain.


Lord, give me the faith to be obedient in ministry to others. You have given me the strength to be caring in Your name.

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