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The God of All Comfort and Mercy

고린도후서 1:3-1:9 본문보기


The God of All Comfort and Mercy
모든 위로와 자비의 하나님

The God of comfort and mercy comforted Paul and his companions who were in great affliction, so they in turn could show comfort to those who are also in affliction.
위로와 자비의 하나님께서는 극한 어려움 중에 있는 바울 일행을 위로하셨고, 이를 통해 그들도 어려움 중에 있는 다른 이들을 위로하게 하십니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Paul constantly praises and thanks God for His comfort. We can see from Paul’s constant use of the word “comfort” in affliction that all his thoughts are toward God who gives him comfort. If his sufferings are because of Christ, then the comfort he received is also through Christ (vv. 3-5). Furthermore, the reason Paul is afflicted and comforted is to give comfort to other Christians who are also going through the same afflictions (vv. 6-7). The affliction Paul received in Asia was so severe that he felt that he had “received the sentence of death.” However, such extreme sufferings caused him not to rely on himself, “but on God who raises the dead” (vv. 8-9).
바울은 하나님의 위로에 대해 찬송과 감사의 말을 이어갑니다. ‘위로’라는 말의 반복에서 알 수 있듯이, 바울의 생각은 극심한 어려움 중에서 자신을 건져 위로하신 하나님께로 모입니다. 그의 고난이 그리스도 때문이었다면, 그가 받은 위로 역시 그리스도를 통한 것입니다(3-5절). 더 나아가 바울이 이런 고난과 위로를 받음은 동일한 고난을 겪는 성도들을 위로하기 위함입니다(6-7절). 아시아에서 바울은 힘겹다 못해 마치 ‘죽음을 선고 받은 듯한 고난’을 겪었습니다. 하지만 이런 극한 상황은 오히려 “우리 자신을 의지하지 않고 죽은 사람을 살리시는 하나님을 의지하게” 만들었습니다(8-9절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
Paul and his companions did not despair when they were suffering which threatened their lives, but rather relied on the resurrected Lord to carry out their ministry. When we suffer for Christ, we also receive His comfort. The comfort of the Lord is only for those who suffer for the Lord. Do not be hesitant or afraid of going through the narrow road of suffering.
바울 일행은 죽음의 공포가 엄습하는 극한 고통 속에서도 낙심하지 않고, 부활의 주님을 의지하여 전도자의 사명을 감당했습니다. 성도는 그리스도를 위해 고난 받을 때 위로도 함께 받습니다. 주님의 위로는 오직 주님을 위해 고난 받는 이들의 몫입니다. 고난의 좁은 길을 주저하거나 두려워하지 마십시오.

Tip 1
1:5 Christ’s sufferings refers not to Jesus’ atonement for sin, which was unique to Christ, but to Paul’s sufferings (v. 9-Paul felt a death sentence had been decreed against him) in imitation of Christ, which Paul endured because of his faithfulness to God and for the sake of God’s people.

Tip 2
1:6–7 for your comfort. The opponents maintained that Paul’s sufferings disqualified him as an apostle, but Paul maintains that his sufferings are the means God uses to strengthen other believers. 1:8 Asia: Ephesus(?) (1Co 15:32) but the precise location and nature of the affliction are not certain.


Lord, help me not to just seek Your comfort without being willing to face suffering.

은혜와 기도나눔

Thank you for my understanding today that my affliction can be the same nature of yours because I am already receiving your compassion and comfort. You'll not be willing to give your mercy and comfort if you simply think that we are like worms, uselss and idiotic, so all of our sufferings are just what we deserve in our sinful nature and life. I'll thank you for that for ever and ever.

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