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God is Faithful

고린도후서 1:12-1:18 본문보기


God is Faithful
하나님은 미쁘시니라

To those who criticized Paul for not visiting Corinth again, Paul gives honest, detailed reasons.
바울이 고린도를 속히 다시 방문하지 않는다고 비난하는 사람들에게 바울은 그 이유를 솔직하고 자세하게 밝혀줍니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Paul speaks to those who doubted his sincerity after hearing his change of travel plans, that as a minister he treated his sincerity toward the believers as his life, and thus, his change of plans is not because he is a hypocrite, but because he was following the plan of God (vv. 12-17). Paul adds that as God is faithful, he too is faithful (v. 18).
바울은 변경된 여행계획을 들어 자신의 신실함을 의심하는 이들에게 항변합니다. 즉 자신은 목회자로서 성도들을 향한 신실함을 생명처럼 여기고 있으며, 중간에 여행계획을 변경한 것은 자신이 말과 행동이 다른 경솔한 사람이어서가 아니라 하나님의 뜻을 따른 것이었다고 말합니다(12-17절). 또한 바울은 하나님의 신실하심이 그에 잇대어 살아온 자신의 신실함을 증명한다고 말합니다(18절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
Paul had lived his life in accordance to the truthfulness and faithfulness of God, not according to the ways of the world. This is the proper attitude for those who become disciples of Christ through the grace of God. As we have become Christians through the grace of God, with what attitude do we live? The world shows us that there are easier and more comfortable ways of living. They may mock and even persecute us if we do not conform to their ways. However, if you are a Christian, do not be afraid of the eyes, the ears, and the mouths of the world. Speak truthfully and act faithfully in God!
바울은 세상의 방법이 아닌 하나님의 정직하심과 성실하심을 따라 살았습니다. 이는 하나님의 은혜로 그리스도의 제자 된 자가 마땅히 취할 자세입니다. 하나님의 은혜로 성도 된 우리는 어떤 자세로 살고 있습니까? 세상은 우리에게 더 쉽고 편하게 살 수 있는 방법을 보여주고, 우리가 이를 거스를 때는 비웃고 심지어는 핍박까지 할 것입니다. 하지만 세상의 눈과 귀와 입을 두려워하지 말고 오직 하나님 안에서 정직하게 말하고 성실하게 행동하십시오.

Tip 1
1:15–16 a second experience of grace (Gk. or “second benefit”). Some think this refers to a second opportunity to contribute to the collection for the believers in Jerusalem. On this interpretation, contributing to the needs of others is called “grace” because it is made (To be continued in Tip 2)

Tip 2
(Following Tip 1) possible by God’s grace in the lives of those who give: the Corinthians are set free to meet the needs of others because God has met their needs in Christ. Others see this as a reference to the added experience of various blessings from God that would come from another visit by Paul.


Lord, give me the words of truthfulness in my mouth. Help me to act faithfully in my life.

은혜와 기도나눔

We can believe in others a little bit more when we pray together because ,during our prayers, we are guided by The Holy Spirit.

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