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Reason for Paul’s Change of Plans

고린도후서 1:23-2:8 본문보기


Reason for Paul’s Change of Plans
바울이 계획을 변경한 이유

Paul speaks more in detail about why his plans of visiting the church in Corinth had changed.
바울은 고린도 교회를 방문하려던 계획이 바뀐 이유를 좀 더 자세히 설명합니다. 복음 사역자로서 교회를 사랑하는 바울의 따스한 가슴을 느낄 수 있습니다.

Thinking & Understanding
The reason why Paul had changed plans about visiting Corinth was that he cared for the people in the church. They would not see Paul’s visit as grace and be in pain. Paul could have forced his travel plan to strengthen his position. However, Paul thought more of the church than he did of himself; he chose to write a letter rather than visit (vv. 1:23 - 2:4).
Paul recommended Corinthian church to rebuke the person who had caused problems in order to maintain the holiness of the church, and also to forgive and comfort the one who admits his sin and has been in sorrow, so the person does not get lost in excessive sorrow (vv. 5-8).
바울이 고린도에 가려는 계획을 포기한 것은 고린도 성도들을 위해서였습니다. 즉 고린도 성도들이 바울의 방문을 은혜로 받지 못하고 마음 아파할 수 있는 형편이었기 때문에 바울은 포기한 것입니다. 바울에게는 여행계획을 강행하여 자신의 입지를 강화하는 것이 더 좋은 것일 수 있었습니다. 하지만 자신보다 교회를 생각한 바울은 방문보다는 편지를 택했던 것입니다(1:23-2:4절).
바울은 고린도 교회에게 교회의 거룩함을 위해 잘못을 행한 이들을 징계하라고 합니다. 하지만 죄를 시인하고 슬픔에 빠져있는 이들은 더 이상 실족하지 않도록 위로하고 용서하라고 권면합니다(5-8절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
The faith community once rebuked the person, who caused problems, in order to maintain the holiness of the church. They are now to comfort and forgive those who admit their sin and are sorrowful, so that they do not get lost in their sorrow. Today, look around you and see if there are people in need of comfort and forgiveness. If there are, go and comfort them so that they will not be overwhelmed with excessive sorrow.
교회의 거룩함을 유지하려고 잘못을 행한 형제를 책망한 공동체는 이제 반대로 자신의 죄를 인정하고 충분히 슬퍼한 이들을 위로하고 용서해서 그들이 실족치 않도록 도와줘야 합니다. 오늘은 주변에 이런 위로와 용서가 필요한 이들이 있나 찾아보십시오. 그리고 있다면 가서 그들이 너무 많은 근심에 잠겨 실족치 않도록 위로해주십시오.

Tip 1
1:23 to spare you. Just as Christ came first to save his people rather than to judge the world, so too Paul did not return immediately to Corinth, in order to spare them a taste of God’s wrath. Like Christ, Paul is willing to judge those in Corinth who will not repent; but before judgment comes mercy.

Tip 2
2:6 punishment. Most likely excommunication from the fellowship of the church, just as in 1Co 5:2, 5, 13. The person in view is probably the Corinthian leader of the opposition against Paul, not the offender from 1Co 5:1–5, as is often suggested, since the content of the sin was different.


Lord, let my community (church) hate sin, but love the sinners.

은혜와 기도나눔

I thank you god since I have not seen any group bigger or smaller, who acknowledge love is law and a must. It's amazing and so it's obviousely God's grace toward Thy church, Amen.

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