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Minister of the New Covenant

고린도후서 3:2-3:9 본문보기


Minister of the New Covenant
새 언약의 일꾼

Paul indicates that the changed lives of people in the Corinthian church are his letters of recommendation. Then, Paul emphasizes the superiority of the new covenant and the glorious power of the Holy Spirit, while comparing his ministry as an apostle, with that of Moses,
바울은 고린도 교인들의 변화된 삶이 자신의 추천서라고 말합니다. 그리고 바울은 사도인 자신과 모세의 직임을 비교하면서 새 언약의 우월성과 성령의 영광스런 능력을 강조합니다.

Thinking & Understanding
The preachers in those days carried out their ministries with letters of recommendations from many churches. However, for Paul, the churches built because of his ministry and the changed lives of the people in those churches, were the only letters of recommendation that guaranteed his identity (vv. 2-5).
The old covenant (Moses’ Law) was glorious and righteous, but the new covenant (the gospel) is even more glorious and righteous. This is because the old covenant consisted of condemning the sins of people and judgment for their sins, whereas the new covenant brought forgiveness to those who had sinned and made them righteousgiving them life (vv. 6-9).
당시 순회 전도자들은 여러 교회에서 받은 추천장을 가지고 다니며 사역했지만, 바울에게는 오직 자신이 사역한 결과로 세워진 교회들과 그 안에서 변화된 삶을 살고 있는 성도들만이 그의 신분을 보장해줄 추천장이었습니다(2-5절).
옛 언약(모세의 율법)도 영광스럽고 의로운 것이지만 새 언약(복음)은 훨씬 더 영광스럽고 의로운 것입니다. 이는 옛 언약이 사람의 죄를 고발하고 그 죄 값을 판정하는 데 그칠 때, 새 언약은 믿는 자의 죄를 사하여 그를 의롭게 하며, 생명을 가져다주기 때문입니다(6-9절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
The life of faith is not merely living according to the Law (rule), but dwelling in the Word and having a relationship with the Lord in order to become like Him. Remember, our goal in faith is not following the Law, but to be wholly like Jesus and live as He did.
신앙생활은 법(규칙)을 지키는 삶이 아니라 말씀 안에서 주님과 교제하며 그분을 닮아가는 삶입니다. 우리 신앙의 목표가 율법을 다 지키는 데 있지 않고 예수님을 온전히 닮아, 그분처럼 사는 데 있음을 기억하십시오.

Tip 1
3:2–3. In fulfillment of Ezekiel 11:19 and 36:26, Paul contrasts the old covenant, in which God wrote on tablets of stone (Ex 24:12), with the apostolic ministry of writing on tablets of human hearts. Paul “writes” on hearts not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God. (To be continued 1n Tip 2)

Tip 2
(Following Tip 1) The Spirit’s work of changing the Corinthians’ hearts as a result of Paul’s ministry confirms that the new covenant is being established through his ministry. 3:5 Paul’s sufficiency is from God. Paul’s sufficiency as an apostle recalls the pattern exhibited in the call of the OT prophets.


Lord, let me serve God and my neighbors with joy in the Holy Spirit. Let me live like the people of God and of the new covenant who bear the image of Jesus.

은혜와 기도나눔

I see love sufficient and overflowing iin people's hearts.
I remember now God's advice "Seek, then you'll find, ask then you'll ve givev, knock then the door'll open for you", Amen.

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