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영어 QT

Resurrection Faith That Overcomes Death

고린도후서 4:7-4:15 본문보기


Resurrection Faith That Overcomes Death
죽음을 이기는 부활신앙

The Christian is to be like Paul, who relies on God and not himself. He takes part in the death of Jesus in order to manifest the life of Jesus in his.
그리스도인은 바울처럼 자신이 아닌 하나님을 의지하고 예수님의 죽음에 참여하는 삶을 살며 그분의 생명을 삶 속에서 드러내는 자들입니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Paul compares his life and the gospel with jars of clay and the treasure in them. Paul is saying that he has no power in himself, but the gospel that he carries is his power. The power of the gospel was the reason why Paul did not surrender to his suffering and fall into despair (vv. 7-9). Paul treated affliction as a glorious opportunity to take part in the death of Jesus. He believed that those who take part in the death of Christ would also take part in the resurrection; it was God who brought Jesus back to life. It was this belief that motivated Paul to spread the gospel boldly, to give thanks, and to glorify God in any circumstance (vv. 10-15).
바울은 자신과 복음을 질그릇과 거기에 담긴 보물에 비유합니다. 자신은 능력이 없지만 자신이 가지고 있는 복음이 능력이라는 뜻입니다. 이 복음의 능력 때문에 바울은 고난 가운데서 굴복하지 않고 낙심하지 않았습니다(7-9절). 바울은 고난을 예수님의 죽음에 동참하는 영광된 기회로 여겼으며, 그리스도의 죽음에 참여한 자는 예수님을 살리신 하나님의 부활에도 참여할 줄 믿었습니다. 이 믿음 때문에 바울은 더 담대히 복음을 전했으며 어떠한 상황 가운데서도 하나님께 감사와 영광을 돌릴 수 있었습니다(10-15절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
As the jars that contain the gospel of the precious Jesus, we cannot despair in any affliction and persecution. To us, affliction is a means to meditate and experience the life of the resurrected Jesus. Furthermore, even if we face situations of death, because we believe that we will be in the presence of the resurrected Jesus, we are not afraid. Praise the power of God who has placed our precious Jesus in us - like the jar of clay!
우리는 보배로운 예수님을 소유한 복음의 그릇이므로 어떤 고난과 핍박에도 절망할 수 없습니다. 우리에게 고난은 부활하신 예수님의 생명을 충만히 묵상하고 경험하는 수단일 뿐입니다. 심지어 죽음에까지 내던져질지라도 부활하신 주님과 함께 다시 살 것을 믿기에 두려워하지 않습니다. 질그릇같이 연약한 내 안에 보배로운 예수님을 담아주신 하나님의 놀라운 능력을 찬양하십시오.

Tip 1
4:13 the same spirit of faith. Most interpreters have understood this not as a reference to the Holy Spirit but as a reference to the same kind of attitude of trust in God that David had, in spite of his affliction (Ps 116:10). Some hold, however, that this is a reference (To be continued in Tip 2)

Tip 2
(Following Tip 1) to the Holy Spirit, since the Holy Spirit is the one who creates faith, and who secures God's promises. In this case, Paul’s quotation of Ps116:10 would suggest that he views his experience of suffering as a continuation of the experience of suffering as a righteous person in Ps 116.


Thank you, Lord, for having filled me with the precious gospel!

은혜와 기도나눔

I've seen the best people share their blessings in their own ways, which is more than human levels, I suppose.
Then how can you share others' afflictions and sufferings, in what ways? I've considered it the most impossible.
That might be reason why we ought not be jealousy of others and their situations, and more than that just try to share our blessings. That might be God's way, LOVE, we usually call it !!

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