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The Power that Conquers Affliction

고린도후서 5:1-5:10 본문보기


The Power that Conquers Affliction
고난을 극복하는 힘

The affliction Christians experience today will be a stepping-stone for the glory and resurrection in the future.
성도가 겪는 현재의 고난은 미래의 영광과 부활의 징검다리가 됩니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Paul says that although Christians groan while living in an earthly tent (the body of flesh) that can be easily destroyed, they live longing to dwell in their eternal heavenly house (the resurrection body). The resurrection of Christians is the eternal life that overcomes death; and believers are further clothed with a new body as was the resurrected Jesus. Paul adds that the Holy Spirit guarantees the resurrection of Christians (vv. 1-5). Because of the certainty of resurrection, Paul was always confident and was not afraid of death. However, Paul did not live his life on earth carelessly just because he had hope in the resurrection. He knew that before the judgment seat of Christ, his life on this earth would be evaluated and rewarded (vv. 6-10).
바울은 성도들이 무너지기 쉬운 장막과 같은 육신의 삶 아래서 탄식하지만 동시에 하늘의 영원한 집, 곧 부활의 몸을 갈망하며 살아간다고 말합니다. 성도들의 부활은 생명이 죽음을 이기는 것이며 부활하신 주님과 같은 새 몸을 덧입는 것입니다. 바울은 이러한 성도의 부활을 성령님께서 친히 보증해주신다고 말합니다(1-5절). 이런 부활신앙에 대한 확신 때문에 바울은 늘 든든했고, 죽음도 두려워하지 않았습니다. 그러나 바울은 부활의 삶을 소망하면서도 결코 이 땅의 삶을 소홀히 하지 않았습니다. 왜냐하면 그리스도의 심판대 앞에서 이 땅에서의 삶에 대한 평가와 보응을 받게 될 것을 알았기 때문입니다(6-10절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
Our faith in the resurrection of our bodies is in the future, but the focus now is on how we live today. People who have faith in the resurrection not only meditate on the future, but they also think what it means in our lives today so they can please God. Be sure that you are not careless in thinking of how to please God today because of fear or getting ready for the future.
부활신앙은 미래적이지만 사실 오늘의 삶에 초점이 있습니다. 부활신앙을 가진 사람은 미래에 대한 사색보다 오늘 하나님을 기쁘시게 하는 삶이 무엇일까 고민합니다. 다가올 미래에 대한 두려움이나 준비로 오늘 하나님을 기쁘시게 하는 일을 소홀히 하지 않도록 주의하십시오.

Tip 1
5:1 The building from God…eternal in the heavens refers to the resurrection body believers will receive on the last. The tent analogy was quite apt since Paul made tents while living in Corinth, and the Corinthians likely sold tents to sailors or used them for housing visitors attending the Isthmian Games.

Tip 2
5:9 we make it our aim to please him. Paul lives his entire life in light of a hope that his actions will bring delight to God day by day. It is possible for Christians to please or displease God in their daily actions (Eph 5:10; Heb 13:21; by contrast, Paul fears displeasing God; 2Co 5:11).


Lord, although what is to come in the future is larger and more exciting, please help me not to become careless of my life today.

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