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Rebuke and Comfort

고린도후서 7:2-7:9 본문보기


Rebuke and Comfort
책망과 위로

Paul, who wanted to have a good relationship with the Corinthian church, was pleased that there was such a good response to his letter sent through Titus.
고린도 교회와 바른 관계를 맺고 싶었던 바울은 디도 편에 보낸 편지가 좋은 결과를 얻은 것을 듣고 기뻐합니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Paul strongly rebuked the Corinthian church, but he still loved them. We know this from the fact that Paul rejoiced after hearing from Titus that the Corinthian church had repented and mourned for Paul when they received his letter. Although Paul regretted sending his letter of tears to the church and made them grieve, he was comforted by the fact that his letter had led them to earnest repentance (vv. 2-9).
바울은 고린도 성도들을 강하게 책망했지만, 여전히 그들을 사랑하고 있었습니다. 이는 디도가 전해준 소식, 곧 고린도 성도들이 바울의 편지를 받고 지난 잘못을 뉘우치며 바울을 염려한다는 말을 듣고 바울이 큰 기쁨을 얻었다는 사실에서 알 수 있습니다. 바울은 한때 눈물의 편지를 보내 성도들을 슬프게 한 것을 후회했지만, 이로 인해 성도들이 간절한 회개에 이르게 된 것을 확인하고서 위안을 받습니다(2-9절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
The people in the Corinthian church accepted Paul’s rebuking and counsel and eventually repented. In like manner, Christians should be accepting when they are rebuked and counseled. Although being rebuked and counseled is not necessarily pleasant, if believers will take a good look at themselves through this, it can be very beneficial to their spiritual lives. When you are rebuked or counseled by others, please pray that this can be your chance to truly repent and experience a changed life.
고린도 성도들은 바울의 책망과 권면을 받아들여 참된 회개에 이르렀습니다. 이처럼 성도는 책망과 권면의 말을 들을 때, 이를 달게 받을 수 있어야 합니다. 비록 책망이나 권면을 듣는 것이 유쾌하지 않더라도 그것을 통해 진지하게 자신을 돌아볼 때 영적 생활에 큰 유익을 얻을 수 있습니다. 내게 쏟아지는 책망과 권면이 있을 때, 이를 통해 참된 회개에 이르고 삶의 변화를 경험할 수 있도록 기도하십시오.

Tip 1
Ch. 7 Paul’s account of his experience of waiting for Titus (2:13) introduced the defense of his apostolic ministry (2:14–7:1), which the resolution of the story in 7:2–16 now concludes. 7:2-4 Paul resumes the exhortation for the Corinthians who are now Paul's side and renounce the false teachers.

Tip 2
7:5-9 Paul picks up the narrative from 2:13. Paul was comforted by Titus’s coming because Titus reported that the Corinthians had fully repented and had turned back to Paul, and therefore back to the gospel. Hence, the grief Paul had inflicted on them was worth it, for it produced repentance.


Lord, please, help me and my community (church) to accept Your words for the unity of the church.

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