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Encouragement to Give Generously

고린도후서 8:1-8:8 본문보기


Encouragement to Give Generously
넉넉한 배품을 위한 격려

Paul, who had restored his relationship with the Corinthian church, urges the church to bring offerings, which they have promised to help the church in Jerusalem.
고린도 교회와의 긴장관계가 풀린 것을 확인한 바울은, 그들이 예루살렘 교회를 돕기 위해 약속한 헌금을 힘써 이행할 것을 촉구합니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Paul speaks of the churches of Macedonia who gave “in the wealth of their generosity,” even when they were in “the severe test of affliction.” They gave offerings unto the Lord in order to save their Jewish brothers, when Paul recommended offerings for the churches of Jerusalem, because they first gave themselves to the Lord (vv. 1-5). The reason why Paul had mentioned the devotion of the churches of Macedonia was that the Corinthian church was not able to complete the offering of help that had been planned a year ago. Paul urges the Corinthian church to complete the relief offering. He urged also the Corinthian church not to hesitate in giving generously, because they had received much grace (vv. 6-8).
바울은 ‘큰 환난의 시련’ 중에서도 ‘넉넉한 마음으로’ 구제했던 마케도니아 성도들의 섬김을 언급합니다. 그들은 자신을 먼저 주님께 드렸기 때문에 바울이 예루살렘 교회를 위한 구제헌금을 제안했을 때, 주님께 드리듯 유대 형제들을 위한 구제헌금을 드렸습니다(1-5절). 바울이 이들의 헌신을 소개한 이유는 당시 고린도 교회가 일 년 전에 작정한 구제헌금도 마무리 짓지 못하고 있었기 때문입니다. 바울은 고린도 성도들에게 속히 구제헌금을 마무리하되, 고린도 교회가 여러 은혜(은사)를 받은 만큼 베푸는 일에 인색하지 말고 넉넉히 헌신하기를 부탁합니다(6-8절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
In a church that has received the grace of God, there must be a genuine devotion to serve each other generously. This is true because extreme unbalance in financial matters within one community can be a starting point to disharmony and division. When you can fill the void of the poor with your own abundance, then the balance can be restored. Actively share with others as a good steward of material possessions.
하나님의 은혜를 받은 성도들이 모인 공동체(교회)에는 서로를 넉넉하게 하고자 하는 섬김이 있어야 합니다. 한 공동체 안에 있는 심한 경제적 불균형은 불화와 분열의 슬픈 씨앗이 되기 때문입니다. 내가 누리는 풍요로 궁핍한 사람의 모자람을 채울 때 균형을 이룰 수 있습니다. 물질의 청지기로서 적극적 나눔을 실천하십시오.

Tip 1
8:2–5 God’s grace was manifested in that the Macedonians gave even though they were poor. not as we expected. What surprised Paul was that the Macedonians also gave themselves first to the Lord and then…to us; they offered not only money but also any other personal help to Paul.

Tip 2
8:7 faith … speech … knowledge. A reference especially to the Corinthians’ spiritual gifts (1Co 1:5, 7–8; 8:1–7; 12:8–10, 28; 14:6, 9, 19, 39). you excel (Gk. perisseuete). A reference to following the example of the Macedonians in 8:2, whose “abundance” of joy “overflowed” in a wealth of giving.


Lord, let me serve those in need so that we all can enjoy an abundant life in You.

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