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Faithful Ministers of God

고린도후서 8:16-8:24 본문보기


Faithful Ministers of God
하나님의 신실한 일꾼

Paul had urged the Corinthian church to take part in serving the churches of Jerusalem. He sent some faithful ministers to them for these tasks.
바울은 예루살렘 교회를 섬기는 일에 대해 고린도 교회의 실천을 촉구하고, 그 일을 위해 신실한 동역자들을 파송하여 고린도 교회를 도우려 합니다.

Thinking & Understanding
To receive the offerings of the Corinthian church, Paul sends Titus, a brother who “is famous among all the churches for his preaching of the gospel,” and another brother who was “earnest in many matters” for ministry. The reason Paul was cautious of whom to send to Corinth, was that he wanted to proceed without any misunderstanding to do “what is honorable not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of men,” because it was a good deed to carry out the ministry of helping (vv. 16-22). The men Paul chose were trusted by the churches and they could be called “a glory to Christ.” Therefore, the church should accept such faithful ministers as workers and messengers of God (vv. 23-24).
바울은 고린도 교회의 헌금을 수령하기 위해서 디도와 복음 전하는 사역으로 ‘모든 교회에서 칭찬이 자자한’ 한 형제 그리고 ‘모든 일에 열성이 있었던’ 또 다른 형제를 파송합니다. 이같이 바울이 신중을 기했던 이유는 구제사역은 선한 뜻으로 하는 일이기에 ‘주님 앞에서뿐만 아니라 사람들 앞에서도’ 오해 없이 올바르게 진행하기를 원했기 때문입니다(16-22절). 바울이 선택한 일꾼들은 교회의 신뢰를 받아, ‘그리스도의 영광’이라 불릴 수 있는 자들이었습니다. 교회는 이런 신실한 하나님의 일꾼들을 동역자로 여겨 영접하는 것이 마땅합니다(23-24절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
For those who will work for the greater importance of ministries in a local community of faith, the church should test them more cautiously before appointing them. In addition, it is important that the right person be put into the right place according to his other personality, faith, gifts, and talents. Pray that your community appoints the right people for the right ministry, and that they will serve as faithful ministers of God.
공동체는 중요한 일을 맡을 일꾼일수록 신중하게 시험해본 다음 일을 맡겨야 합니다. 아울러 각 사람의 성품과 신앙고백, 은사와 재능에 따라 적재적소에 사람을 세우는 일이 중요합니다. 우리 공동체가 바른 일꾼들을 세울 수 있도록, 또 세워진 일꾼들이 하나님의 신실한 동력자로 일할 수 있도록 기도하십시오.

Tip 1
8:19–22 ministered by us … administered by us. This is the same phrase used in 3:3 to describe Paul’s new covenant ministry of the Spirit (“delivered by us”), showing that the collection of money for the needy in Jerusalem was an essential part of the apostolic ministry of the gospel.

Tip 2
8:20 so that no one should blame us. As Paul delivers the gift to Jerusalem, he will be accompanied by a team of men well known for their integrity. Their presence will guarantee a public accounting for the gifts and also provide protection from robbers (See Ac 11:29-30; 12:25; 20:3).


Lord, please raise Your faithful co-workers for Your ministries.

은혜와 기도나눔

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