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Be Restored

고린도후서 13:4-13:10 본문보기


Be Restored

Finally, Paul advises the Corinthian church to repent of their sins thoroughly and restore the holiness of the church, which is the Body of Christ.
마지막으로 바울은 고린도 교회가 죄를 철저히 회개하여 그리스도의 몸 된 교회의 거룩함을 회복할 것을 권면합니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Paul was a weak person. But with the power of Christ who resurrected, he advised the Corinthian church urging that all people of the church to examine and test themselves to see if they were in the faith. Through this, the believers in the Corinthian church will depart from evil and grow as a restored Christian community (vv. 4-9). Before Paul's third visit, this letter (2 Corinthians) is Paul’s last counsel and ultimatum to the Corinthian church. To the people who are in danger of being punished, Paul is giving the-through this letter-one final opportunity to repent (v. 10).
바울은 약한 자였지만 부활하신 그리스도의 능력을 힘입어 고린도 교회를 권면합니다. 바울의 권면은 모든 성도들이 믿음 안에 있는지를 스스로 점검하고 확증하라는 것입니다. 이를 통해 성도들은 악한 일에서 떠나 온전한 성도로 성장할 수 있을 것입니다(4-9절). 바울이 세 번째 방문에 앞서 보내는 이 편지(고린도후서)는 고린도 성도들에게 보내는 마지막 충고이자 최후통첩이라고 할 수 있습니다. 바울은 이 편지로 징계의 대상이 되는 사람들에게 다시 한 번 회개할 기회와 시간을 주고 있습니다(10절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
Paul says that the reason why he writes letters and visits the churches is that he hopes that all communities will stand and remain healthy. The community (church) is the Body of the Lord. If you are a part of the Body of Christ, then you should have the same hope as did Paul. In hope of your community of faith becoming healthy, seek what you can do to make this happen.
바울은 자신이 편지를 쓰는 것도, 교회를 방문하는 것도 모두 공동체가 건강하게 서기를 바라는 소망 때문이라고 말합니다. 공동체(교회)는 주님의 몸이기에 공동체에 속한 지체라면 모두 바울과 같은 소망을 품어야 합니다. 우리 공동체가 항상 건강하기를 바라는 소망 가운데 공동체의 건강함을 위해서 내가 할 수 있는 일을 찾아보십시오.

Tip 1
13:4 Following the pattern of Christ’s own weakness, Paul too has been weak for the sake of God’s people, making evident to them God’s Spirit and glory in Christ through his own sufferings. But also like Christ, Paul will manifest the power of God in judging the Corinthians’ behavior and beliefs.

Tip 2
13:7–9 Paul may seem to have failed again by announcing a plan (this time the threatened return in judgment) that did not come to pass. This apparent failure, like the judgment itself, would once again establish the truth of the gospel, whose primary purpose is not tearing down but building up the church.


Prayer Lord, let our community stand firmly on the truth – united as one Body in the Lord.

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