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Weep and Repent

요엘 1:5-1:12 본문보기


Weep and Repent
울며 회개하라

Joel gives a stern warning to Israel by describing the disasters brought upon them. If the Israelites do not repent, he says the judgment of God will be much more severe than this.
요엘은 이스라엘이 받은 재앙을 언급하며 이스라엘이 회개하지 않으면 장차 더 심각한 재앙이 임할 것이라고 경고합니다.

Thinking & Understanding
The Israelites had left God and committed sins with the joy of the abundance of grains and the sweetness of wine. God warned the Israelites of the swarming locusts and the drought, but because of this Israel became such a mess that they could not even afford the basic offerings for sacrifice. Joel reminds the Israelites of the disaster which God has permitted. He tells them to weep and repent. Joel further warns them that if they (Israelites) do not repent, then a severe disasterthat has never been seen or heard ofwill come upon them (vv. 5-12).
이스라엘 백성은 곡식의 풍성함과 포도주의 달콤함에 취해 하나님을 떠나 죄를 일삼고 있었습니다. 하나님께서는 이런 이스라엘을 메뚜기 재앙과 가뭄을 통해 경고하셨는데, 이로 인해 이스라엘은 제사에 바칠 기본적인 제물조차 마련하지 못할 정도로 비참해졌습니다. 요엘은 이스라엘 백성들에게 하나님께서 허락하신 이 같은 재앙들을 상기시키며, 울며 회개하라고 강권합니다. 만일 이스라엘이 회개하지 않으면 이전에 겪지도, 듣지도 못한 엄청난 재앙이 올 것이라고 경고합니다(5-12절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
God gives warning of the natural disasters coming upon the Israelites, a nation that has forgotten the grace of God and has fallen into sin because of the abundance the earth had given them. What if the difficulties and the sufferings you are now experiencing are a warning (a wake-up call) from God to awaken you from your sin?
하나님께서는 땅이 주는 풍성함에 빠져 하나님의 은혜를 잊어버리고 죄에 빠져있던 이스라엘을 자연재해를 통해 경고하셨습니다. 내가 지금 겪고 있는 어려움과 고통이 있다면, 이는 혹 나를 깨우시려는 하나님의 경고가 아닐까요?

Tip 1
1:8 bridegroom of her youth. Or, “husband of her youth.” The people are called to a grief as deep as that of a betrothed virgin whose promised husband dies before the marriage is consummated. sackcloth. A garment of goat or camel hair worn during times of mourning, repentance, or fasting.

Tip 2
1:9 offering. Nothing is left for the offerings that accompany the daily burnt offering. priests mourn. Their loss is personal since they ate a portion of the offering. 1:10 ground mourns…oil languishes. Joel poetically personifies these things as experiencing grief. The presence of grain, wine, and oil is evidence of God’s covenant blessing, and their absence is evidence of God’s judgment (Dt 28:49–51).


Lord, help me to become the person who recognizes Your warnings and respond to them.

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