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영어 QT

Return to the Lord

요엘 2:12-2:17 본문보기


Return to the Lord
주께 돌아오라

Joel tells the Israelites, who are in complete ruin because of their sin and punishment, that the only way to live is to return to God. He urges them to repent by rending their hearts.
요엘은 죄와 형벌로 황폐할 대로 황폐해진 백성들에게 하나님께로 돌아오는 것만이 살 길이라며 마음을 찢는 진지한 회개를 촉구합니다.

Thinking & Understanding
What God, who punished the sinful Israelites, really wants in His heart is not to destroy His people. God desires that they repent and return to Him. That is what Joel us proclaiming. If the Israelites repent and return to God, then God will turn His heart and stop the punishment, and the grace of God will come to the Israelites again. All the Israelites needed to do was rend their hearts, repent, and return to God (vv. 12-17).
죄를 범한 이스라엘을 징벌하시는 하나님의 속마음은 그들을 멸망시키는 것이 아니라 그들이 회개하고 돌아오기를 바라고 기다리시는 것입니다. 그래서 요엘은 이스라엘이 하나님께로 회개하며 돌아오면, 하나님께서 마음을 돌이켜 징계를 거두시고 다시 은혜의 하나님으로 이스라엘에게 임할 것이라고 선포합니다. 이스라엘은 이제 마음을 찢는 회개를 통해 하나님께로 돌아가기만 하면 됩니다(12-17절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
Korean Protestants are facing a crisis. In this crisis, everyone, regardless of their age, must gather together to pray (vv. 15-16). All believers must weep and pray for the glory of God to be restored in our communities and the grace of God to be received again. Please, participate in this holy prayer vigil that can save our Korean churches from disaster.
한국 개신교는 지금 위기에 직면해있습니다. 이런 위기 앞에선 너 나 할 것 없이 심지어 어린아이들까지 모두 모여 함께 기도해야 합니다(15-16절). 공동체에 하나님의 영광이 회복되고 모든 성도들이 다시 은혜를 입도록 간절한 눈물로 기도해야 합니다. 한국 교회를 재앙에서 건져올리는 이 거룩한 기도의 행진에 참여하십시오.

Tip 1
2:12 Yet even now…return. There is still time for the people to return to the Lord, that is, to repent of their coldness toward him. all your heart. God calls for undivided devotion. 2:17 The place of prayer was between the entrance hall to the temple (the vestibule or portico) and the altar.

Tip 2
2:17 A byword means a “proverb” or “common saying,” often used in scorn. An alternative translation is “to rule over them,” which makes sense if a foreign, human invasion is in view. Where is their God? is a mocking question from those who doubt that God defends his people (Ps 79:10; 115:2).


Prayer Lord, we pray as one united Body, to repent and return to You. Our prayer is that all Christians can live for the blessings that You have promised.

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