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The Promise of Restoration

요엘 2:26-2:32 본문보기


The Promise of Restoration
회복의 약속

Joel proclaims the Word of promise, that God will surely restore them and protect them, to those who are listening to the warning and repent
요엘은 경고의 말씀을 듣고 회개하는 자는 하나님께서 회복하시고 보호하실 거라는 약속의 말씀을 선포합니다.

Thinking & Understanding
If the Israelites repent and return to God, then God will produce grains, wine, and oil in abundance once again. However, more importantly, God promises He will restore His relationship with the Israelites. Through this, the Israelites will never be put to shame; they will be filled with joy and happiness before of God (vv. 26-27). God promises that once His relationship with Israel is restored, He will pour out His Spirit (the Holy Spirit). This prophecy of Joel was fulfilled in the New Testament at Pentecost (Ac 2). Those who receive the Holy Spirit and call upon the name of the Lord will not only be saved from the approaching judgment, but will also be delivered at the last judgment (vv. 28-32).
이스라엘이 회개하고 하나님께로 돌아오면, 하나님은 다시 그들에게 곡식과 포도주와 기름을 풍족하게 주실 것입니다. 그러나 무엇보다도 하나님께서는 이스라엘과의 관계를 회복하실 것이며, 이로 인해 이스라엘은 하나님 앞에서 즐거움과 기쁨을 누리게 될 것입니다(26-27절). 하나님께서는 이스라엘 백성과의 관계를 회복하신 뒤에 당신의 영(성령)을 부어 주시겠다고 약속하셨습니다. 요엘서의 이 예언은 신약의 오순절 성령강림 사건을 통해 성취되었습니다(행 2장). 성령을 받고 주님의 이름을 부르는 사람은 임박한 심판뿐 아니라 최후의 심판에서도 구원을 받게 될 것입니다(28-32절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
There will come a day when the judgment of God will arrive, and the result will be the destruction of the universe (v. 31). The only people who can avoid judgment and be delivered are those who “call on the name of the Lord.” Pray for those around you and all those who need to call upon the name of the Lord. Pray that they will call on His name very soon!
하나님의 심판이 전 우주적인 파멸로 임할 날이 있습니다(31절). 그날에 심판을 면할 수 있는 사람은 오직 ‘주의 이름을 부르는 자’들입니다. 우리 주변에 주님의 이름을 불러야 할 자들이 하루속히 그 이름을 부르도록 기도하십시오.

Tip 1
2:28–29 Afterward refers to a time after the assurances of vv. 18–27 and a time that is parallel with in those days. pour out my Spirit. The abundant, life-giving rains (v. 23), which God will shower on his people, illustrate the way in which God will pour out his Spirit on his people in the future.

Tip 2
2:28-29 all flesh. All God’s people will experience the outpouring of the Spirit and intimate communication with the Lord. The sign of this outpouring will be that not just a few but all (sons and…daughters, old…and…young, male and female) will prophesy and dream dreams and see visions.


Lord, please help my family, friends, and colleagues who do not know You to call upon Your name and come to know You very soon.

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