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영어 QT

Citizens Who Have No Revelation

이사야 29:1-29:14 본문보기


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Citizens Who Have No Revelation
This passage is about the poverty and salvation that Ariel (which seems to mean burnt offering and signifies Jerusalem) will experience. The will of God goes from judgment to hope and from hope to judgment.

Who is God like?
Verses 1-4- He does not hold back from disciplining His people. God judges the people of Judah who just lift up sacrifices every year as a formality. He will make all of Jerusalem burn as if it was a burnt offering. The holy city where David settled will be disciplined by God and taken captive by the armies of Assyria so that the people will not be able to speak freely and will be placed in misery. Are the hardships that you are facing today a way that God is trying to get your attention because you are living out your faith in a routine manner?
Verses 6-8- He repels the Assyrian army that suddenly came upon His people, and pours out His grace upon Judah. God can take away all of life’s hardships in an instant. This is the time to realize your sin and turn back to God. Let us wait for God’s grace, which gives us a way out even when we are surrounded by hardships.
Verses 9-12- He gives spiritual sleep to the people of Judah, blinds the leaders so they cannot see, and mutes them so they cannot speak. This is the scariest of all the disasters. The people were in spiritual darkness so they could not deliver the Word of God correctly nor hear it. How scary is this? It is the result of living a life without showing any reaction to the Word. When you do not listen to the Word during the times you have to, then you will fall into a situation where you will not be able to hear the Word or understand it. Before facing this horror, pray that God gives you a spirit that will enable you to understand the Word well.


Help me to not be a stupid person who meditates on the Word but sees no change in my life.

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