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Live a Life that is Worthy of the Gospel

빌립보서 1:27-2:4 본문보기


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Live a Life that is Worthy of the Gospel
After Paul speaks about living for the gospel (vv. 12-26), he encourages the Philippians to live a life worthy of the gospel even if hardships come their way.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verse 27- Paul introduces himself by saying that he lives and will die for the spreading of the gospel and that he is glad in it. Now he encourages the Philippians to live a life as a citizen of heaven because they have received the Word. The believers were proud of their Roman citizenship and respected Roman customs. But Paul is now reminding them of their true identity. Do your thoughts, speech, and actions show that you are a person of heaven and not of this world?
Verses 28-30- To the world’s authorities, the loyal faith of the believers who bear hardship may seem like evidence of the believers’ demise. But it is actually evidence that they have received salvation. God’s grace is not just that we will believe in Christ, but it is a grace that allows us to bear hardships for His sake. Calling a life without hardships a blessing is a false gospel. Do you consider the hardships you go through because of Christ a blessing and believe that it is grace?
Verses 2:1-4- Christians who have accepted the gospel are those who have encouragement from Christ, comfort of love, relationship with the Holy Spirit, and are filled with compassion and mercy. Instead of seeking personal glory through quarrels and vanity, we must have the same heart and love and humbly consider others better than ourselves. We must look out for the interests of others over our own. A person who continues in faith even in the midst of hardships and shows God’s love to his or her neighbors through humility and compassion will be a true citizen of heaven. How are you treating others in your relationships?


Let me not be embarrassed today for having received citizenship in heaven through the grace of the gospel.

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