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Imitating Jesus

빌립보서 2:5-2:18 본문보기


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Imitating Jesus
Paul introduces Jesus as the model for humility and the life of love that the members must emulate, and tells them to deny themselves. Jesus’ incarnation, obedience to death on the cross, and ascension to heaven to receive the glory are all examples that we should follow.

Who is God like?
Verse 8- Jesus’ obedience to the cross was not a choice but something indispensible. He considered Himself nothing and allowed himself to do the work that must be completed through Him. That is why He was able to create the people who will be saved. For believers, it is not a choice but essential to accept Jesus. That is how the body forms and the community is established. That is how we can live within Him as one who has received life.
Verse 13- If the Philippians receive salvation through obedience, then God who raised Jesus from the dead and placed Him in the seat of glory will make their salvation complete. The reason that we can participate in the work of salvation is because God works in us so that we act according to His purpose. What we can do is to not be arrogant or indifferent to push away His kind help, but continue to participate in his salvation work until the end through obedience and trust.

What lesson is God teaching me?
Verse 12- He tells them to continue working out their salvation in fear and trembling, whether the leader is present or not. This is a command to obey God and at the same time humble yourself and be obedient to the role of servant to your community. This is an attitude of fear and trembling before God and honor and respect to the community. This is a command not just for your own salvation, but a way to recover unity within the community. What does your community need for you to continue in the work of salvation?


Help me to love others by denying myself like Christ did, and serve and love the people in obedience.

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