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Offerings Full of Faith and Love

고린도후서 9:6-9:12 본문보기


Offerings Full of Faith and Love
믿음과 사랑이 담긴 헌금

After chapter 8, Paul again encourages the Corinthian church to take part in serving the churches of Jerusalem. He then explains the attitude and benefits of the offerings.
바울은 8장에 이어 예루살렘 교회를 섬기는 일에 고린도 교회가 속히 동참할 것을 한 번 더 강조한 다음, 헌금의 자세와 유익에 대해 설명하고 있습니다.

Thinking & Understanding
God gives power to Christians to give abundantly and carry out good deeds in every circumstance. If a believer has a mind to help others, God will give grace in various ways so that not only will he carry out good deeds, but also he will glorify God through the deeds. Similarly, the giving of Corinthian church, despite their difficult circumstances, does not only fulfill the needs of the Jewish Christians, but through them they will bring many thanksgivings and glorify God (vv. 6-12).
하나님께서는 성도들에게 모든 일에, 모든 것이 항상 넉넉하여, 모든 착한 일을 할 수 있도록 능력을 주십니다. 믿음의 사람들이 다른 사람을 도울 마음만 있으면 하나님은 다방면으로 은혜를 베풀어주셔서 그들로 능히 착한 일을 할 수 있게 하실 뿐만 아니라, 그 일을 통해 영광을 받으십니다. 이처럼 어려운 중에 믿음으로 헌금을 드린 고린도 성도들의 ‘봉사’는 유대 성도들의 필요를 채울 뿐 아니라, 그들로 하여금 하나님께 감사하며 영광을 돌리게 할 것입니다(6-12절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
Serving others through offerings fills the hearts of those giving and fulfills the need of the poor. At the same time, this fills the hearts of those watching with thanksgiving - all of this truly glorifies God. Give offerings with a joyful heart and help those in need for the sake of the gospel. You will then take part in the joy of God through this ministry.
헌금을 통해 성도를 섬기는 일은 헌금하는 이의 마음을 풍요롭게 하고 성도들의 궁핍을 채워줌과 동시에, 그것을 지켜보는 이들의 마음속에 감사가 넘쳐 진실로 하나님께 영광을 돌리게 합니다. 복음을 위해 즐거운 마음으로 헌금하고 가난한 이들을 구제하십시오. 이를 통해 하나님의 기쁨에 동참하십시오.

Tip 1
9:6 sows bountifully. Paul expands a well-known proverb: “You reap what you sow.” God does not command Christians to give a certain amount, but he provides opportunities to give generously. Those who sow generously will also reap bountifully in terms of bearing fruit for God’s kingdom.

Tip 2
9:7–8 God loves a cheerful giver, an allusion to Proverb 22:9 in the Septuagint. God loves such joy-motivated giving to others because it expresses contentment in God’s gracious giving to the believer that makes every good work possible and results in thanksgiving and glory to God (see vv. 11–13).


Lord, help me not to avoid being a helper in Your work. I want to be helping those in need all around me.

은혜와 기도나눔

Let's focus on what we ourselves can give others not on what other people can offer to the World.

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