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Boasting in the Lord

고린도후서 10:12-10:18 본문보기


Boasting in the Lord
주님 안에서 자랑하라

Paul speaks to those who boast about themselves and create problems in the church that "Even if you boast, you should boast in the Lord, and only then will you receive commendations from God".
바울은 자기 자랑에 빠져 교회 내에서 혼란을 조장하는 자들에게 자랑을 해도 주님 안에서 해야 하며, 그럴 때만 하나님의 칭찬을 받을 수 있다고 말합니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Those who criticized Paul boasted about themselves with the standards they created, but Paul did not do this. Instead, Paul followed the standards of God and not the standards of this world. He did not boast beyond his limits, but only within the area of influence God has assigned to him. In other words, Paul did not boast of his own achievements; he only boasted of the ministry God had assigned to him. This is because Paul knew that boasting should only be done in the Lord, and that approval and commendations are only true if they come from the Lord (vv. 12-18).
바울의 비판자들은 자기들이 만든 기준에 따라 스스로를 자랑하고 칭찬했지만, 바울은 그렇게 하지 않았습니다. 바울은 세상의 기준이 아닌 하나님의 기준을 따랐으며, 정해진 한계를 넘어서는 자랑하지 않고 하나님께서 맡겨주신 영역 안에서만 자랑했습니다. 즉 바울은 자기 자신이나 업적을 자랑하지 않고 하나님께서 맡기신 사명에 대해서만 자랑했습니다. 이는 바울이 어떤 자랑도 주님 안에서만 해야 한다는 것과, 모든 인정과 칭찬은 주님께서 해주시는 것만이 참된 것임을 알았기 때문입니다(12-18절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
God has assigned to Christians their current positions and ministries. As a Christian, are you carrying out the tasks God has given to you? Or, are you in sorrow because you will not receive any commendations from people because your ministries are not that visible to the eyes? Please, remember that the commendations from God are much more valuable than those from people, and do your best for the work God has given you.
하나님은 성도들에게 지금의 자리와 현재의 일을 맡기셨습니다. 성도된 나는 하나님께서 맡기신 일들을 잘 감당하고 있습니까? 혹 내가 맡은 일이 ‘해도 티가 안나는 일’이어서 사람들의 칭찬을 받을 수 없다는 것 때문에 낙심하고 있습니까? 사람의 칭찬보다 하나님의 칭찬이 더 값지다는 사실을 기억하고 맡은 일에 최선을 다하십시오.

Tip 1
10:15–16 Paul’s opponents boast, but they are intruders who create problems in churches he planted. lands beyond. Paul’s aim is to plant churches in areas where Christ has never been preached, but these false teachers try to pervert the gospel in places where it has already been established.

Tip 2
10:17–18 boast in the Lord. Paul supports his boast as an apostle with his citation of Jeremiah 9:23–24. Since all human abilities and attainments are gifts from God, the only true basis for boasting is to “boast in the Lord,” i.e., in what the Lord provides, not in one’s own presumed accomplishments.


Lord, even if my ministries you have given me seem insignificant to the eyes of people, please let me carry out that ministry sincerely.

은혜와 기도나눔

Let's give thanks God because God lets us free from all kinds of comparisons, commendments, competitions, conflicts.... you name it.

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