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I Will Boast My Weakness

고린도후서 11:22-11:30 본문보기


I Will Boast My Weakness
나의 약함을 자랑하리라

In order to straighten out the foolishness of the Corinthian church, Paul boasts of his own life experiences of suffering and hardship caused by his weakness. Paul hopes that the believers would find wisdom from them.
바울은 고린도 교회의 어리석음을 바로잡으려고 자신의 약함 때문에 체험한 고난과 어려움을 자랑을 하면서, 성도들이 그 속에서 지혜를 깨닫게 되기를 열망합니다.

Thinking & Understanding
Paul could not bear the Corinthian church acclaiming the foolish boasts of the false apostles. Eventually, he says that he will boast of himself. As a Jewish leader and as a man of dignity, compared to the false apostles, the things Paul boasted about of were something so weak and foolish that the church would have been embarrassed. This is true because Paul wanted to boast about the power of God being revealed through the weakness of men (vv. 22-30).
바울은 고린도 교회가 거짓 사도들의 어리석은 자기 자랑에 환호하는 것을 견딜 수가 없어서, 어쩔 수 없이 자신도 자랑을 하겠다고 합니다. 그런데 유대인으로서의 신분이나, 사도로서의 관록에서 거짓 사도들보다 훨씬 앞서는 바울이 막상 자랑한 것은 오히려 교회가 부끄러워할 수도 있는 자신의 약함에 대한 것들이었습니다. 이는 바울이 사람의 약함을 통해서 드러나는 하나님의 강함을 자랑하고자 했기 때문입니다(22-30절).

What Lesson is God Teaching Me?
Boasting is an expression of human nature which stands in contrast to God (Ps 94:4-7; Je 9:23; Ro 3:27; 1Co 1:28-31). Boasting is something that is very foolish. There is no benefit if our boasting is not in the Lord. Like the days of Paul, the trend today encourages people to boast in themselves. Not like this, we should only boast the power of God, which is working through our own weakness.
자랑은 하나님을 대적하는 인간 본성의 본질적 표현(시 94:4-7; 렘 9:23; 롬 3:27; 고전 1:28-31)이므로, 본질상 어리석은 것입니다. 오직 주님 안에서 하는 자랑이 아니면 아무런 유익이 없습니다. 바울 당시처럼, 오늘날 우리 문화도 자기를 자랑하고 들어내는 것을 권장합니다. 하지만 신앙인이라면 이런 풍조를 거슬러, 나의 약함을 통해 일하시는 하나님의 강함만을 자랑하십시오.

Tip 1
11:24 forty lashes less one. The Jewish punishment of 39 lashes was given by the synagogue for false teaching, blasphemy, and serious lawbreaking, all of which could have been applied to Paul’s preaching of the gospel, especially to Gentiles. It was the most severe beating allowed by Scripture.

Tip 2
11:25–26 beaten with rods. This was the Gentile punishment for disturbing the peace (1The 2:2). Once, in Lystra, Paul was stoned (Ac 14:5–19), the most common form of ution in the Bible. three times I was shipwrecked. Of course, this would not include the shipwreck described in Acts 27.


Lord, help me to boast only of the grace and love of God, and not boast about myself.

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